Guillaume Delaage


Académie de PlatonThe need for communication is, rightly or wrongly, growing imperiously. As an author and being attentive to readers’ comments, it appeared to me that a blog such as this one would make it easier to exchange questions and points of view. So, articles about different themes will be tackled here in order to get even closer to everyone respecting this Tradition spirit which gathers more and more people. These articles are under my own responsibility of author and are not intended either to “gospel” or to be the expression of a particular esoteric movement.

As to this, some people will have noticed what was written, regarding my personal research on the back cover of my book, by the Editions Moryason. Although I am not willing to define myself in this field, I am going to give some more explanations about this matter to anticipate some questions and answer others which were asked in the past.

I practice Buddhism in its largest and most universal acceptation without being part of any “way”. I am a Theosophist and try to follow the theosophical Teaching in the same spirit as the one presented during the 3rd century AD by Ammonios Saccas, founder of Neo-Platonism. This theosophy, in the neo-platonician sense of the word, to which I am very attached (which resurfaced during the Italian Renaissance with the school of Florence), does not lead de facto to the adhesion of the Theosophical school as known nowadays, of which I am not a member. It is a part of these multimillenial Lessons which were transmitted by the Masters of Wisdom thanks to H.P. Blavatsky during the 19th century for the theoretical part and by the Grand Adept Franz Bardon for the practical part or Saint Theurgy to whom I devote on a daily basis and also to the related rituals. Thus, I pay a tribute to Alexandre Moryason for his tremendous work of explanation and transmission about these so delicate topics.