Guillaume Delaage


Atlantis 1 – 06/30/2007

There once was so much wickedness on Earth that Justice flew to the gods, and their king decided to exterminate the human race. Jupiter’s wrath reached beyond its kingdom, and Neptune, his brother of the blue seas, struck the earth with his trident. And the Earth shuddered and convulsed…” (Metamorphoses by Ovid)



Atlantis 1This title may seem odd to the reader. According to the texts the old continent, a myth for some, a reality for others, sankbecause of mankind’s folly and the evil human beings generated. Today – Tradition claims – it seems that those who once lived in that distant past are coming back to purge their karma.

That will be the conclusion of the several articles to follow and which will try to give an overview of things that point to the presence of that civilizationthroughout history. In the cycles of human evolution and according to the Law of Cause and Effectno one can escape the consequences of his actions.

Today, as mankind is engaged in a new cycle,the debt must be paid. And Karma is placing us in an eternal return, whichwill make us come out strengthened and with a better understanding of our past mistake if our human consciousness is evolved enough.

How many researchers, philosophers, archaeologists, scientists andesoterists have been interested in the Atlantis subject? More than 25,000 books have been written about that lost continent. So, what can we say more?

Although it might be an imperfect synthesis it could be useful to compile thecenturies of research which can give the reader a basis for reflection in order to link some forgotten discoveries. Volumes of hundreds pages each would be needed for that. On that website we havechosen to present the main discoveries over several months.


Mother civilization

Atlantis 1
Plato the initiate

It is thanks to the persistence of people unsatisfied with the dogmatism imposed by science that this land -where according to « legend » thegods dwelled-  resumed life and form again. It may be thanks to researchers having the same mischievousness as Sherlock Holmes that Atlantis iswhat it is today. In fact, what do we know about it? Academic history relies on « two incomplete texts that Plato wrote about 348 B.C. ».

These texts do not give us much information, and for centuries nobody dared to contradict the wise Athenian man. Atlantis was what PLATO claimed. But everything changed some decades ago when the subject set the minds of some scientists alight.

Very quickly, new facts came to contradictwhat was negated in amphitheaters and, after millennia of silence, Atlantis rustled like an impetuous wind; it revivedon the enthusiastic lips of those who made her awaken from the long sleep in which the godChronos had placed it.

For some, this continent, hidden below the Atlantic Ocean, was a myth from Plato’s fevered spirit. For others, it was a reality that should be rekindled. So, of course, when two ideas are opposed the subject becomes more passionate, for each side wants to be right and discovery begins.

Only Plato spoke of Atlantis, at least by using that name. But was he the first totalkabout it? We will not begin this presentation with“TIMAEUS”and“CRITIAS” (Plato’s two texts) which everybody can read.

There are more ancient and as much interesting textsfrom less known sources that the Initiates of Antiquity wrotebased on the oral Tradition. In a remote past Atlantis or Poseidonis was a tangible reality, a high evolved civilization, the MOTHER CIVILIZATION… When Schliemann decided to go after the city of Troy, mentioned by Homer, nobody dared to support or caution his endeavour, for his assertions were vague and based only on some comparative and scholastic research.

Atlantis 1
The Acores

He persisted in his search and his faith and courage were crowned with success when, alongwith his friend Dorpfeld, he discovered the traces of nine successive human establishments, of which the most ancient dated from 3000 B.C., near the Turkish village of Hissarlik. It was the city of Troy,so famous because of the battles it staged.

This is the same for Atlantis which has its detractors but also its sincere researchers, followers and pioneers.

Of course, amongst these lasts, in a sincere impulse, there were those who located Atlantis in locations as strange as amusing. Locations differed for each individual : for one it was the Sahara, for others,  the Caucasus, Finland, Crete, the island of Santorini, Brazil, South Africa, Ceylon, Asia  Minor (or Anatolia), Helgoland  and Sweden…

Even if these geographical locations seem ludicrous these researchers contributed much to the « resurfacing » of that continent.

In this little study we will certainly talk about several themes by taking facts from a very distant past. Today, most researchers place Atlantis in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, considering the Azores the vestiges of the last visible landsafter the terrible disaster that sank the continent.

By focusing on these islets a fleeting impression emerges, like an echo of vaguemurmurs from a remote past, like a song intoned by forgotten stories that make up mankind’s memory. That murmur is a call that drives us to the ocean’s depths, beyond the pillar of Hercules.


Ten Gods for ten islands

In our opinion it is not so much the proof of the existence of these lands at that precise location that matters to us but the fact that they held a very important civilization, heiress of the race of thegods. In our next articles, we fill follow that route by going back to a certain dawn of mankind, atime when everybodyknew that the gods walked amongst men.

Some of their accounts have remained and through them we will rediscover Atlantis, step by step, in a long sequence of events spanning centuries.Plato is the onlyone to give a precise date of the Atlanteancataclysm. He put his account in the mouth of the old Critias who claimed himself of Solon (the wise Athenian Legislator). This lastclaimed to have received his knowledge of Poseidonis from a very old scribe in the temple of Sais in Egypt!

If we base ourselves on the oral Tradition we can think that this scribe, for his description, used information detailed on papyri or very ancient hieroglyphs that could have been the spiritual legacy of Egyptian temples. That account attests that the last bastion of Atlantis collapsed more than nine thousand years before Plato, which amounts to about twelve thousand years today. If we follow the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes we can see that this time corresponded to the end of the age of Leo.

Afficher l'image d'origine

Another story confirms Plato’s texts: the Philosopher Proclus, who lived between 412 and 485, wrote a detailed commentary on “Timaeus”. He said that around 260 B.C., a Greek namedKrantor went to Sais, and in the temple of the Goddess Neith he would have seen columns covered with hieroglyphs that told the story of Atlantis.

Is itsilt that covers today these priceless records? Soon, maybe, « chance » or the curiosity of an archaeologist will exhume these messages engraved in the stone. In “Critias”thegods shared the Earth andplaced thereon the children they had with the daughters of men. It says that Poseidonisengendered five couples of male twins, andthen divided the island into ten parts:

ATLAS, EUMELOS, GADIR, AMPHISOS, MNESEUS, ELASSIPOS, MESTOR, AZAES, DIAPREPOS AND AUTOCHTHONOS. Each of these kings administrated a province. We find herethe universal principles of government which will be espoused by the great reformer, RAM, in his theocratic government called the« RAMIC SYNARCHY ».

But let us go back to the collapse of Atlantis. According to Tradition it is set in 9564 B.C. If we go with that date we could say that Atlantis saw the decline of its civilization at a time when enormous masses of water were in a state of ice. Then, it is interesting to notethat during that period Earth knew tremendous disruptions. Atlantis 1

Today, all branches of Science agree that a sudden displacement of the magnetic pole took place 10,500 years ago. Consequently, the geographical pole moved more than 3500 Kilometers. Archaeologists and geologists declare that 10,000 years ago humanity had to startanew  in all aspects.

If we believe that Atlantis was the mother-civilization we can assume that a massive exodus must have happened well before its fall, and Africa – amongst other points of the globe – would have been the direct heiress of  the Atlantean sages, as Michel Manzi says in his book “Les survivants de l’Atlantide“ (EditionsMoryason) :
« As they reached the dry shores, the survivors felt wellalive. Quickly, life resumed and they called that place of Egypt TA-MANA, « the place of the setting sun », because they were not used to see the sun set over that liquid horizon where it should have risen over their continent. During that sameyear of 9782 B.C. when men, women and children were thrown in extreme privation on the African beaches, they still retained their sole priceless Heritage… »


Chroniclers priests

We can surmise that after the Deluge theAtlantean civilization was considerably degenerated, if we believe Plato’s accountwhereinGreeks defeated the ATLANTEANS with arcs and arrows. The Atlantean civilization had its period of glory andthen of decline, as do all civilizations. That is the law of evolution: everything is born, grows and finally declines. Nevertheless, theAtlantean sages, aware of that issue, imparted their knowledge to other peoples.

Thus, if we assimilate Noah to Atlantis, we can see the patriarch had three sons: Japheth, Shem and Cham – the first represented the white race; the second the Semites(mixture of whites and blacks); the third the raceof theGian ben Gians, in other words the black race. Without expanding on that subject we can say – based on GENESIS–that Knowledge was first given to the black race then the white racethrough Ram. But let us now examine the ancient texts that recount a precise fact:the wise men of the past knew very well that Atlantis hadexisted in a distant past.

Unfortunately, because of the long tribulations of the peoples not all the writings of these initiated researchers from the past have reached us. We could stillread the teachings of these sages if the folly of man had not destroyedrecords that were said to contain the world’s annals. Fortunately, some stubborncopyistssalvagedsome fragments of important writingsby initiated priests such as Sanchuniathon, Berossus or Manetho. In fact, these werethe real fathers of our history for theyset down a lot of truths in their works.Atlantis 1

And all that has been lost over the centuries. Berosus, a Chaldean priest (likeSanchuniathon) three centuries B.C.,toldthe old tradition of Idzubar-Gilgem which presents, with a luxury of details, the terrifying disaster of the Floodthat occurred in Abraham’s time. His original text was conserved at the Erechlibrary,that fabled Chaldean city which had close ties with the Egyptian priesthoodof that time.

We can also consider that a large swath of human knowledge was transmitted « from temple to temple » thanks to the Custodians of Knowledge. We also have to note- andthis is not a simple detail – that the Adepts who lived in Atlantis, foreseeing the end of their continent, repatriated their Knowledge tosecrets places in Tibet.

Of course, the various traditions speak of several deluges that we can place in time. The geophysical movements of our planetregularly produce great cataclysms. There were some before and after Atlantis. What is important to note is that one can thenconflate these different cataclysms after reading certain ancient documents.

In a way, with Atlantis we have some points of reference, not only from the writingsdiscovered by archaeologists but also the submarine discoveries that haverecently been done by stubborn researchers. We will talk about thatin a future article for it is thanks to these discoveries that some people could chronologically string out the facts to obtain a certainty about an approximate date ofthe fall of Atlantis.
But let usgo back to our fathers’account and let us try to compile the legacy they bequeathed us. Sanchuniathon was a priest and an initiated of the Great Mysteries, in other words the BOOK OF THOTH. In fact, we can say that he was the first known historian, 4200 years ago. His writings and teachings have reached us only by fragments,but theynevertheless give ussome precise indications, particularly about Atlantis.

It is not in the goal of this presentation to quote all the ancient documents dealing with Atlantis, but wewill cast a glance at some of them, which would help us grasp, in a synoptic fashion, the way the ancientsrecounted the cataclysm that submerged Atlantis. The second part will present what the Mediterranean traditions say about the Atlantean continent.

See the following article : Atlantis 2 : The sacred texts of Mediterranean

The Vril and the Mysteries of the Living Fire

The Vril and the mysteries of the living fire. 2012-10-23

At the end of the Nineteenth century, the English novelist and philosopher Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton — author, amongst other works, of “Zanoni” and “The last days of Pompei” — published a science-fiction novel in 1871 entitled “ The coming race or “The race to come” in which he portrayed subterranean beings using the power of the vril, and the mysteries of the living fire considered as an extraordinary and infinite force. The author, a member of the “ Societas Rosicruciana” in Anglia, an order of theurgic vocation, was well informed about this force, the real name of which is known only to Initiates.


He used it as the framework for his book after receiving the translation of an ancient fragment that tells of the might of this universal energy, to which he gave the fictitious name “vril”surrended of mysteries. What was it? Who can have access to its infinite power? These were the questions the Nazis attempted to answer in the 1920s by creating the Vril Gesselschaft(Vril Society), or the luminous Lodge(antechamber of the Thule order) with the aim of enslaving the human race. What was, hence, this extraordinary Force that mobilized so many researchers and esotericists of all ilks?

After securing the translation of the secret manuscript, Bulwer-lytton reflected scientifically on the Force he had named vril, which hide the mysteries of the living fire. He noted that Faraday had sensed this energy when he said “ it has long been my opinion, almost a conviction, shared, I believe, by so many lovers of natural knowledge, that the various forms by which the forces of nature manifest spring from a common source.

In other words, they have such a direct correlation, they so naturally depend on each other that they are, so to speak, transferable from one to the other, and they possess, in these actions, an equal power”’ We will come back later to one aspect of the definition of the vril in the Hermetic Doctrine. However, it is a fact that Bulwer-Lytton’s book inspired many a curious, and not of the least.


Photo 1 E. Bulwer-Lytton par H.W Pickersgill
The Vril and the mysteries of the living fire – E.Bulwer-Lytton by Pickersgill – He created the name “Vril”



John W. Keely

Around the same time, John E.W.Kelly made a discovery that would shake the scientific world. In 1873, he unveiled the discovery of a new physical force in his studio at the headquarters of the Keely Motor Company, 1420 North Twentieth Street in Philadelphia, USA. He presented his shareholders with his first vibrational generator in the form of a pulsating chamber from which a stream of water flows into one-way check valves and actuated the whole device. He then perfected his apparatus and claimed that he could extract air from a chamber to obtain a perfect vacuum, thereby producing a dynamic energy capable of moving tons of matter.

In his scientific discourse he compared the subtlety of the atmosphere with that of the etheric waves he produced with his invented method of breaking air molecules with vibrations. His presentation of this discovery came astoundingly close to what the Hermetic Doctrine claims on these Universal Forces. This <<new force>> that he discovered was practically miraculous in the eyes of the public, but quite natural to those who have knowledge of certain Universal Energies. Keely’s motor opened the door to some troubling possibilities.



Ernst John W. Keely in his laboratory
Ernst John W. Keely in his laboratory

After he shared his discovery with his shareholders, they placed a spy in his workshop in order to discover his secret. Six months of intense surveillance enabled the observer to tell Keely that he had come to understand the process. Together, they had just completed the development of the motor. The inventor manipulated the handle used to provide or stop power to the machine. The man asked to operate the motor himself. He turned the handle but nothing happened.

“Let me show you “said Keely to the man. He accepted and the motor immediately began moving. The man repeated his attempt, to no avail. Keely then put his hand on his shoulder and asked him to try once more. He did, and the outcome was the instantaneous production of current. What had happened?

Why was Keely the only one able to manipulate this extraordinary force? In fact, he had, by his genius, opened the door on the science of tomorrow, and he was the only one able to use it in his works. This force was the vril of Bulwer-Lytton, of incredible might and capable of producing the best and the worst, an almost miraculous force to the profane.

At the time when Keely did his experiments a person asked Blavatsky what she thought of this unusual scientist. The old lady answered: “It had been stated that the inventor of the “Self-Motor” was what is called, in the jargon of the Kabalists, a “natural-born magician.”

That he was and would remain unconscious of the full range of his powers, and would work out merely those which he had found out and ascertained in his own nature firstly, because, attributing them to a wrong source, he could never give them full sway; and secondly, because it was beyond his power to pass to others that which was a capacity inherent in his special nature. Hence the whole secret could not be made over permanently to anyone for practical purposes or use.

Individuals born with such a capacity are not very rare. That they are not heard of more frequently is due to the fact that they live and die, in almost every case, in utter ignorance of being possessed of abnormal powers at all. Mr. Keely possesses powers which are called “abnormal” just because they happen in our day to be as little known as blood circulation was before Harvey’s time. Blood existed, and it behaved as it does at present in the first man born from woman; and so does that principle in man which can control and guide etheric vibratory force.

At any rate it exists in all those mortals whose inner selves are primordially connected, by reason of their direct descent, with that group of Dhyan Chohans who are called “the first-born of Ether.” Mankind, psychically considered, is divided into various groups, each of which is connected with one of the Dhyanic groups that first formed psychic man; (see paragraphs I, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the Commentary to Stanza VII.)

Mr. Keely being greatly favored in this respect, and moreover, besides his psychic temperament, being intellectually a genius in mechanics, may thus achieve most wonderful results. He has achieved some already more than any mortal man, not initiated into the final mysteries, has achieved in this age up to the present day. What he has done is certainly quite sufficient “to demolish with the hammer of Science the idols of Science” the idols of matter with the feet of clay” (Excerpt from The Secret Doctrine, vol. 2)

Keely had thus succeeded, for the first time in long ages, in channeling the vril force through a mechanical device. He alone (and others if they had his capabilities) could do so and have access to a phenomenal power as he himself did. He died in November 1898. His papers were given to the Scottish Earl Van Rosen and since 1912 they have been retained in Stockholm. For some time no one ever heard of Keely.


Nicholas Tesla

Yet a few years later another scientist rekindled the idea of free energy and passed the first part of the twentieth century challenging many scientific theories, causing himself some painful trials in the process. It was of course Nicholas Tesla (1856-1943), an engineer of Serbian descent who settled in the United States in 1884. Tesla was responsible for many inventions. We owe to him the alternating current, the radio, the fluorescent tube, etc…He was the Nobel Prize Winner of Physics with several Doctorates awarded by universities around the world, and he mastered eight languages.Nicholas Tesla

Thanks to his work we discovered television, robotics and even the Internet. He filed over 700 patents, most of which were later wrongly ascribed to Thomas Edison. Tesla was a genius with impressive intelligence. He was gifted with an extraordinary power of visualization.

With remarkable precision he could picture his inventions on his mental screen, to the extent that he was able to show how the energy could move. Solutions to problems would come to him accurately in his dreams. He was interested in Vedantic philosophy and Buddhism, and he had a synthesizing view of the Universe coupled with a spiritual approach to Science.

This man, too far ahead of his time, was pretty familiar with Keely’s motor but knew that certain experiments and discoveries could not be given to all governments without incurring the risk of seeing them used for selfish ends and the enslavement of peoples.

That is why he always refused to divulge certain information to only a single state so as not to create supremacy in armaments. His work on the alternating current was extraordinary. He closely touched on the vril force without ever mastering it. Not possessing the same “natural powers” as Keely did he put all his intelligence at the service of pure science.

From all that came extraordinary discoveries of unmatched potential for the time, so much so that most of the scientific world turned against him and branded him a lunatic. But Tesla, beneath his provocative stance, tried to get things moving and tried to offer the world some new means for more sharing and benefitting all mankind.

That is why he worked on the production of an unlimited energy, based on the Schumann resonance, and capable of meeting the needs of every individual. Unfortunately he could not achieve his goals because of the many obstacles that the big financial companies cast on his path. Tesla died in poverty and oblivion in a hotel room in New York. He was a genius who later had some of his discoveries deviated to sustain darker purposes. He gave some of his works to various governments around the globe and he is said to be the unintended father of the HAARP project…He did not work directly with the vril but very closely touched upon these various energies that are part of the Fire of the Universe. We will return to that later.

Nicholas Tesla in his laboratory
Nicholas Tesla in his laboratory – Did he recovered the Vril?

It was during that time that some very focused groups became particularly interested in this fantastic energy. Hitler, at the request of the Thule society, put his engineers to work on the military applications that propelled vehicles (in the shape flying saucers) and armaments, powered by the power of the vril, could have. The society bearing the same name became involved in the practices of a Tibetan group that followed Hitler throughout the course of the war, the Bonpos, as shadowy as true Buddhism is luminous.

It was through their intermediary that the members of the order were able to receive the teachings of the Left-Hand path in the deep recesses of Tibet, so much it is true that the tenebrae always find home near the light, as is especially the case with this Great Himalayan center. It is through these Tibetan henchmen that the Order of the shadow sought with fierce intent the coveted vril force. Fortunately they could not reach their mark for the Masters of Wisdom , once again, thwarted their evil plans.


Flying saucer built by nazi
Flying saucer named “vril 6” built by Nazis during the third reich



 The Vril and the mysteries of the living fire

Even nowadays many people wonder about this extraordinary Force of infinite power that remains so mysterious. The vril is an energy directly related to what Tradition calls Fohat, the essence of cosmic electricity, the astral or primordial light, the incessantly formative and destructive power, the driving universal life force. Of this force we only perceive some weak effects in our world, although it exists in the septuple constitution of the human being.

But when this energy is channeled through an individual it becomes an infinite power which can become dreadful depending on how we use it. The knowledge of the septanary forces on each plane of the evolution of a human being holds the key to the unfolding of impressive abilities. For this reason, the planetary Hierarchy ensures the concealment of certain knowledge judged too dangerous in the present state of our evolution.

These energies, these Fires, should be viewed as particularly mighty entities stemming from the Primordial Source. Fohat acts upon the cosmic forces, human and earthly, which exert their influence on all planes. In our earthly dimension, its influence is felt through the active magnetic force that we know. On the spiritual plane it presides over the formation of all things, from the creation of a stellar world to that of a simple flower.

It is the agent that carries out what Nature and the Divine Thought have planned for each thing. It is the “Word made flesh”, the driving force of Universal Life. In another aspect Fohat is the Solar Energy, the vital electric fluid. These energies are matter at a very subtle level, one that our consciousness and evolution cannot apprehend.

Photo 6

It is behind – as rightly said by H.P. Blavatsky –all the manifestations that we call light, heat, sound, cohesion, etc…, it is the “spirit” of ELECTRICITY, which is the life of the universe (…) In fact, each world has its Fohat which is omnipresent in its own sphere of action. But there are as many Fohats as there are worlds, and each varies in power and degree of manifestation. The individual Fohats form a universal and collective Fohat….

This primordial energy is manifest on the seven planes of the being and one can recognize in himself this electric force in the nervous system of the human body, but this is a very subltle expression of this power which, if known and mastered, would do wonders. The vril is thus one of the manifestations of these Energies at the origin of all that exists. We find the vril in what the hemetic Doctrine calls the Seven Brothers of Fohat and therefore the Seven manifestations of Electricity as a fundamental principle.

These energies are known for the most. The most documented is St. Elmo’s fire that sailors know very well when it manifests as a crackling fire atop the mast of ships. Some swathes of history relegate to the rank of fables and myths the manifestations of these Fires, these Brothers of Fohat who – as previously stated– are some entities beyond imagination.

The Fire of Zoroaster and his mysteries is one of those expressions, so are the brilliant sparks around the caps of the Dioscuri, the Caduceus of Mercury, the “lighted lamp” of Abraham, the burning bush of Moses(this “That presence of fire that does not consume”), the column of fire that arose before Pharaoh’s armies, the sacred Fire that descended upon the Sechkinah in the tents of the Israelites, and also the tongues of fire of the Pentecost that came upon the apostles and manifested the Fire of consciousness. It is this unity of the Brothers of Fohat that also gives the expression of the vril.

Indian Fresco showing vimanas
Indian Fresco showing vimanas

 In the Vishnu Purana, in the Astra-Vidya and the Ramayana, the force was used for it was known and manipulated. It is said that it was cast high from an Agni ratha (fiery flying ship) upon an army of 100, 000 men and elephants that were reduced to dust. There is also mention of Kapila “whose gaze turned the sixty thousand sons of King Sagara into a heap of ashes”.

These works speak of a period of the famous Atlantean conflict. Yet, it is on that same Atlantis of before the conflict that one could freely use the vril without any bellicose or selfish spirit. They called it the water of Ptah and even the Atlantean children played with this extraordinary Force.

If Keely had been allowed to use it properly he could have decimated an army in a few seconds. This knowledge could, if it were available, lead to the most carefully kept secrets. Fortunately, Keely never found the principle that would allow the use of such a device without the conscious or unconscious intervention of the will of a person, otherwise what disasters would we face?

However, (was he aware?) he succeeded in achieving great results on a personal level because his motor worked with his intrinsic “powers”. The Hierarchy that presides over the evolution of the planet will never allow the use of the fifth and sixth planes of the astral and etheric Force for personal and selfish ends, for it is in these dimensions that the vril can be manipulated. Until man evolves in consciousness these doors will remain shut.

If such a force were known to all, humanity would face the gravest of dangers. A human being, using the vril without scruples, could destroy and entire army with his own will, or do worse. Once again, only consciousness can allow humanity to rise to the ranks of gods and discover the wonders the universe is ready to offer.

As long as human beings will degrade their brothers and nature in general, until altruism is understood in its very essence, as long as beings will suffer because of other beings, until hatred and violence are drowned in the torrent of history, as long as Man will not see self as a divine spark bound to other sparks of consciousness, then the Force glimpsed in Keely’s motor will remain silent for long millennia.


The Mayan Prophecy, initially translated a few years ago, is being reviewed and corrected. An improved translation will soon be available. We thank you for your understanding.


After the big fears of the year 1000 AD and the year 2000 and the hypothetical end of the world these two dates predicted, an apocalyptic Mayan prophecy has been taken into account for 10 years. It is stated in this text that the end of the world is scheduled on December 21st 2012 due to a fire storm. Overstatement? Reality? The amateurs of sensational events see a radical change on Earth and even the end of our civilization. What to think of these allegations and what are the real bases of this reflection? Does the year 2012 really announce the end of the world?

The mayan prophecy

In order not to be repetitive, I am not going to re-explain the same things that were already said and written about the famous Mayan calendar prophecies. Let’s just summarize the story. The astronomic rules quite precisely regulated the day-to-day life of Native American civilizations, and particularly the Mayans. Bear in mind that the calendar was pretty the same for all the civilizations of Central and South America populations.


The Mayans used several of them with different computations, among which five major ones: the long counting, the round calendar, the haab, the Tzolkin and the Night Cycle. The Round calendar was based on the birth of five suns which lasted a period of 26 000 years which corresponds to Plato’s Big Year or the Cycle of the Equinoxes Precession whose duration is 25 920 years. The fifth sun (or fifth period), for the Mayans, was born in 3113 AC thus determining a Venusian cycle which comes to an end on December 21st 2012. The calendars are very accurate and almost perfectly meet our Gregorian calendar.


Due to their ancient knowledge of Atlantis, the Mayans were particularly interested in the Sun, the Moon, Venus and the Pleiad constellation. This Venus cycle is very interesting since it corresponds to the sacred theme from which all the big traditions originate, in so far Venus is the Initiator planet.


These various astronomical observations and this ancestral knowledge used to define, for this people, an equally old tradition, the one of “Priest-scholars” who mastered both astronomy but also the true astrology and divination related to the Law of rhythms and Universal Cycles taught in faraway Atlantis. (See : Thot-Hermès – Origines de l’humanité – de G. Delaage – Editions Moryason)


Codex Cospi, currently located in the Library of Bologna – acquired by the Marquis Cospi in 1665 – precisely shows these different aspects of Venus orb so important to the Mayas, Aztecs and other peoples of South America.


They were rightly convinced that the world had been destroyed and “rebuilt” several times. This is what the Vedic traditions call the Pralayas and the Manvantaras. The fifth and last of the Maya sun should therefore come to an end on December 21, 2012 destroying the world in blood and fire …


That is the prophecy which was transmitted by this Native American people whom we wrongly attribute the well known Aztec Sun Stone discovered in the late eighteenth century in Mexico and which is located on the pyramid of Tenochtitlan.


It is a circular basalt stone 3m 59 in diameter, weighing 25 tons. It is probably a copy of a lost stone in a lake near Mexico City. Often called “Aztec calendar” but whose real name is Cuauhxicalli, “receptacle of the Eagle”, it is a calendar but also a stone marking the sacred date of the Feast of the “New Fire” celebrated every 52 years.


 Aztec calendar
Aztec calendar


What should we think of this prophecy? The date itself is accurate but is this announced destruction really the destruction of the world? Would some of us take the statement too literally? Yet this flood of fire and blood is also announced in the Apocalypse of John as in other peoples’ texts. A Greek friend of mine told me once that he saw in a monastery on Mount Athos in secluded, an ancient icon representing the end of the world on which it could be seen flying machines (like those we know today) in a war of fire (bombs) and blood …


The current situation

A prophecy is not an isolated or “miraculous” or even “blind” event. A prophecy is that rare ability that a few persons have to connect special circumstances of the world history to a specific date or a specified period. This date of 21 December 2012 has not been launched at random. The Mayans were handling a precise science that corresponded to both rigorous astronomical observations and to the knowledge of cosmic cycles they had inherited from the mysterious Toltec people, a direct descendant of the Atlanteans.


Before considering whether or not 2012 will be the end of the year, we must consider closely the current situation. For decades now the world has been suffering from a terrible evil, man. Greedily, selfishly, and especially unconsciously, the planet has gradually been pillaged, abused, ruined, degraded, and debased. Many, due to ignorance, have said: “After me the Deluge” and each individual has contributed, through simple acts, through the overconsumption, to pollute and destroy the earth.


This degradation is now so strong that no need is to show the harmful effects of greenhouse gases, pollution of the atmosphere by products that are released into the air, in the soil and in the seas. Some in the past tried to start sounding the alarm. They preached in the wilderness for too many years. Today, the damage is done and it is very difficult to go back. Scientists are trying to reassure, but their contradictions are obvious and the events regularly come destroy their assertions. Indeed, the destruction is going faster than expected.


The Arctic is melting at high speed and contradicts the assessments set by climatologists. New diseases appear due to environmental pollution especially in the poorest countries. The Earth is our mother. It is a living being which man has no respect for. It is no different from us because without it we would not be. The elderly knew this and knew the close relationship between the elements of nature and men.




But gradually the “first peoples” disappeared taking with them the last vestiges of real human nature. But what are we facing? Beyond appearances, a carefully prepared plan extends its pseudopodia on all humans in order to degrade the situation and anchor an irreversible mining. More and more voices are heard to denounce the horror of such a plan.


But other more assertive voices impose counter- information relegating scientifically based proofs to the rank of “hazy theories and conspiracies!” Yet the manipulation is there. The media, increasingly, focus public attention on mundane events or touch the basic emotions of fear which generates aggressiveness. We show the dream, the unreachable, the illusory to feed frustration and make spectators patronized beings through harrowing television programs. This Game of the media is very sneaky because it is orchestrated by structures whose purpose is to stupefy.


Big Brother

Regarding the financial crisis, we must know that the stock market crashes – unlike what we can see – are in the interest of major financial powers among which banks are merely collateral expressions. Based on historical references we can see that these crises have always been a step back for social laws as well as for security. There is less money so we require more effort … Violence rumbles? Then it appeals to more prohibition, thus reducing individual and private freedoms.


In recent years, ten years at most, things have been gaining momentum in the field of control of individuals. Lure, seduction, innovation have been driving, as always, technological and scientific invention serving an “intelligentsia” but at the expense of the individuals. The control is getting more accurate. The Internet is a wonderful tool, but it is also a way to identify everyone. Mobile phones are also very useful tools, but it is very easy to penetrate the privacy of a person and listen to conversations even when the power is completely turned off.


The GPS are also very good location means not only for those who use them. Credit cards can keep tracks of an individual and identify all his purchases. It will grow more and more with online payment that becomes common practice. Electronic cameras in the streets, Wi-Fi, are means of observation that gradually alienate individual freedoms.


The implants are increasingly becoming commonplace in the human being, for medical purposes, therefore accepted. The brain, in the medical field again, starts being controlled by the waves. Antidepressant treatment will be charged, will there be the same in the near future, to control our thoughts?


Photo-3---Figuration-fictive-d-une-manipulation-de-l-humainSome, facing these arguments, may say it is okay to move forward and we cannot deprive oneself of the available means. To some extent this is true only if these “developments” do not interfere with individual freedom and especially with health. In this regard, another frightening manipulation is the mass production of pesticides and chemicals in the atmosphere and the food.

More and more cancers, diseases affecting the central nervous system, allergies, and skin diseases appear due to the high rate of pesticides and other chemicals in the consumed plant or animal food.

The coming years will unfortunately count the victims of this malpractice food, then it would be easier to return to organically grown food which would enable to live better.

But the problem is deeper because the mass food makes the benefit of big businesses exploiting food resources.




Brave new world

The regulation of food permits to control people on the planet and provide more money to those who produce on a large-scale, as future farmers who have always been the laborers of the land, will gradually disappear to make way for large companies. This “chemistry” in the food makes men more and more sterile, in Asia and in Africa, in India too, the water is contaminated in groundwater.


We die more of cancer and male infertility is increasing. Why? What do we want to achieve? The answers to these questions can lead to very dark scenarios… In addition, we have witnessed in recent years a “Food genocide” of Third World countries that lack more and more resources and some are literally starving. Why rice is suddenly too expensive for those people who need it daily? Why this sudden change in the economy beyond what is “politically correct”?

Photo-4---medicamentsThe analysis carried further is chilly! In the pharmaceutical field, the problem is troubling. How many doctors practicing alternative medicine protest as everyday they see cheap natural medicines strengthening the immune disappear from drugstore shelves due to prohibition.

Why do we advocate chemical drugs that pollute and weaken the body whose side effects are sometimes unverified ?

It is not about condemning allopathic medicine, which in many cases is necessary, but to see the inequalities that exist and the intention to overshadow the benefits of natural medicines. Who benefits from this?

Not the smaller labs for sure. Do we seek once more to have a stranglehold on individuals by debilitating them? The molecules of some drugs are very harmful and are addictive for whom consumes them with unavoidable side effects.

This description is very basic and has no claim to cover exhaustively the subject. Much could be said, but this is not the purpose of this article. These examples and the brief discussion are aimed to set a “background” against the surrounding forces that hold the strings of the world. The current financial and monetary scheme cannot go on and is clearly running out. What is at stake in this global unrest?


Atlantean karma

In the light of what was said, a question is raised: Do we seek to automate the man? This calls for a direct answer. If we judge individuals by their behavior in general, they would rank closer to the animal than to the infinite consciousness that is in them. In our society, the calls on instinct are numerous and many factors contribute to exacerbate them. This will which aims to “store” a human in a conditioning and more and more numerous imposed frameworks, is not new.


Hermetic Doctrine tells us that long ago, during the Atlantis time, The Sons of Belial, that is to say the forces of darkness came to power on the continent that was at the heart of the Atlantic Ocean. The Masters of Wisdom who followed the evolution of humanity split from the existing power, while the Atlantean society began a slow deterioration. The worst atrocities were committed and the opposing forces became mistresses to the evolution of our planet.


Symbol of the Thule-Gesellschaft

These abuses pushed the Atlanteans to create a genetically engineered and human-animal hybrid slave race. Nevertheless, then-mankind wallows in shame. It occurred what some texts relate to: the Sons of Light (Great White Lodge trans-Himalayan) had to face the terrible struggle that followed and Atlantis disappeared forever beneath waters.

But the story does not end here. All along the following millennia, these forces of darkness, although weakened, continued their work in depth to achieve take control one day again. Their plan has been, since the dawn of time, perfectly orchestrated.

Recent history shows that they were about to win “the game”. Indeed, during the Second World War, the Thule group, which was behind Nazism, organized a large-scale attack that almost threw the world into an irreversible whirlwind.

Little is known that Hitler was about to create a half-human half-animal race for mass production, a “robotic” servile race which would eventually enable an elite to live more comfortably. This plan was stopped thanks to the Work of the Great White Lodge assisted by external interventions.

What would have been our world if this evil organization had reached its end? This evil structure has not been eradicated so far and its unhealthy ramifications are today more subtle but nonetheless present.

All groups falsely called “Illuminati” by contemporary authors are only the tip of the iceberg and continue to spread their insidious actions worldwide. This choice of creating a robotic race is always present and it would take volumes to adequately explain the true actions of these groups.


The forthcoming world will have to face this “octopus” because the Atlantean Karma must be purged. The same conditions that led to the destruction of Atlantis are being put into place, and next year may be the result of human choice led by the dastardly forces. Everyone must choose one’s side, one’s position and must not remain passive.


The slow and gradual collapse of our socio-political systems is a signal. If nothing happens we will witness an increasingly strong surge of violence. Fundamentalism in religious movements may lead to unknown clashes, climate problems will not fix anything in this scenario because millions of people could die of starvation while a small part of the world population is pledged. The consequences of climate change will lead to a change in the global map. The lives that harmonically govern the basic of our planet suffer from a dismal manner.


Yet, facing this, far too many people keep a selfish attitude and refuse to admit, see, act … The picture is certainly very pessimistic but if you take a look at the topic, one can note, beyond the egocentric positions, that the facts are here. Anesthesia inseminated in awareness is leading some of us to smile and even to be aggressive after reading these comments. What this observation leads us to?




The date of December 21, 2012 introduced in the Mayan calendar will certainly be significant. Are we getting closer to the end of this world? It might be too harsh to say. 2012 will determine a lot. It seems unlikely that our planet ends up in a cataclysmic collapse on that date but it seems logical that this year will be the beginning of a progressive and rapid deterioration that will allow dark forces to take precedence over the radical forces of Light. It is possible that 2012 be a kind of tipping point for humanity and serious events emerge.


But the most important date is perhaps not this one for the expected collapse. Indeed David Anrias in his book tells us that according to the astrological cycle, the Sun cycle began in 1981 and should come to an end in 2017. This period will lead to a lowering of the light that will reveal the planetary multimillennial evil which will become widespread across the globe. 2017 will be the climax. It is when the Saturn cycle will take place and put “very intensely every nation and every human being before his Karma.”

Pollution in China

The famous Mayan prophecy should probably be understood in this way and whether we understand things logically or by occult explanation, it already is known that the world will never be the same.

Humanity must pay its “karmic debt” and this cannot be done without abandoning the illusory benchmarks which we have focused on for so long. 2012 will mark out this irreversible step anyway.

This article, despite its apparent pessimism, does not aim to terrify readers. What you should know is that only our mindset can transform things.

Everyone must exercise his free will in one way or another. Either react in the direction of consciousness and therefore of life, or remain passive in the dark and simply see the upcoming events or not believe it.

The question raised is: what can we do? It seems that, regardless of probabilities planned for this date, everyone has to carry out a transformation in themselves. The fact of opening up to nature, to the living Spirit that is within us is a big step.


The Great Invocation  is a fundamental practice which unites us not only to forces of Light but which also weaves an unbreakable bond with the Divine Spirit within us. On the other hand, the selfishness that determines many of us in everyday life must be a constant reflection because it undermines the fundamental principles of compassion and exchange between human beings whoever they are, whatever they do. Another decisive action to act for our personal awakening is not to be swayed by the dictates of the media and misinformation.


These different acts, for those who wish a more rigorous and accurate work on the self, through a healthy practice of personal development will be the falls to escape the density of the fog surrounding the guarantee of a brighter future. When this century comes to an end many things will certainly have changed and our planet will be released of this threatening cope of physical and psychic pollution. Humans will then have the opportunity to live with other concepts and other values.


The difficulties in finding the exit to the Light will vanish because the mind and the astral environment will be clarified and barriers will be less important to discover the inner wealth. The time seems long for human vision, but this long-awaited light is already here. For now it shows dirt lurking in the shadows, but the end of this torment is already announced.


The giants and the origin of mankind. In the islands of South-East New Guinea natives are still erecting huge monoliths in the memory of their giant ancestors who, they say, lived on earth a very long time ago. A question arises when discussing the hypothesis of the existence of giants living upon the earth in the distant past: Is there evidence? Some mythological texts, legends, stories told by writers of the past and the sacred texts recount that giants did live on our planet in the dawn of time (see previous article: The Giants and the origin of Mankind :The History). If this is the case, when did these fabled and extraordinary beings live? Can one still find any traces of their existence?


The Qumrâm Version

Before looking into the modern exploration which offers the opportunity to make discoveries that would shock the scientific world, it is certainly pertinent to present a book often overlooked since its discovery and poorly understood: The Book of Giants. This document is an apocryphal text, probably inspired from the Book of Enoch, which was discovered in the caves of Qumrân.

Written in Aramaic it probably dates back to the second century A.D. and is now better known thanks to the Manicheans of Turfan in China. It tells us of ancient battles of giants in an antediluvian era. Here are some selected passages from the Qumrân Version translated by J.T. Milik:

IQ23 Frag 9,14,15:
1 – […] they knew the secrets of […]
2 – […] sin was great on the earth […]
3 – […] and they killed many […]
4 – […] they begot giants […]

4Q531 Frag 2:
1 – […] they defiled themselves […]
2 – They begot giants and the Nephilim and […]
3 – They proceeded, and behold, the whole world was corrupted…
4 – In the blood and by the hand of […]
5 – Giants, which was not enough for them and […]
6-They sought to devour several […]
7 – […]
8 – […] the Nephilim attacked him.

Many texts and myths of the world tell the same story. Giants engendered originally by entities from another cycle of evolution (see article: From the Moon to the Earth) corrupted their generation as well as the different races living on earth. This corruption and degeneration of the human nature occurred twice. The first, in a very remote time, several hundred million years ago, happened by a kind of natural aberration; and the second took place during the Lemurian cycle, tens of millions of years ago.

This is reported in the Hermetic Teachings in a precise manner and this is what can also be observed after studying many ancient texts to which I have referred in other articles on this site. I will try in a future work to present with more details and in a chronological fashion this extraordinary history of the origins of Man, basing myself, as always, on the Hermetic Teachings, the fundamental viaticum to discover Man in his individual and universal structure. But now, let us turn to contemporary discoveries by researchers that will allow us to impose new questions about the evolution of man on science.


The discoveries

In the late nineteen fifties, during the construction of a road in the South-East of Turkey, many tombs of giants were brought to light. A Turkish engineer discovered gigantic human bones including a femur of 1, 20m for a total size of an individual measuring over 5m. Joe Taylor, at Jack Wagner’s request, took a sculpted replica of this bone as a model to calculate and draw the corresponding human body, next to which he poses on the picture. This gives an idea of ​​the size of the giant.

Photo : J. Taylor © Museum Mont Blanco
Photo : J. Taylor © Museum Mont Blanco

In various parts of the vast Australian continent, an Australian researcher, Rex Gilroy, discovered some giant human or hominid (for not being scientifically proven) bones along with a tooth that would have belonged to a being measuring about 3.5 m. These findings led him to formulate a very interesting theory on an old Australian civilization, Uru, peopled by giants, to which refer some old aboriginal legends.

The researcher’s work gives some very interesting perspectives in the the extent that the Australian continent, little known as it is, was a small part of what the Hermetic Doctrine named Lemuria, a continent upon which lived gigantic beings.

A discovery for the less amazing upset the preconceived ideas about the origin of man, when in 1968, near Antelope Springs Utah (USA), a fossil amateur, William J. Meister, found a boulder which he broke with the intent of discovering some hypothetical fossil. How great was his surprise when inside the broken stone he saw the imprint of a human sandal in which was embedded a trilobite (fossil from the Paleozoic era)!

The sandal imprint itself would be an element more than unusual since a fossil of that kind is almost “non-existent” in the eyes of science; but the most incredible is that the tribolite mollusk from the Cambrian period dates back 500 million years! The question that springs to mind is: did man live on earth at that time? The facts are there and scientists, perplexed by this discovery, will not dare to speak.



Human footprint and trilobite - Antelope Springs).
Human footprint and trilobite – Antelope Springs).
Fossilized giant footprint - ©Museum Mont Blanco)
Fossilized giant footprint – ©Museum Mont Blanco)


But this kind of discovery is not unique. A few years earlier Dr. Clifford Burdick discovered near Glen Rose, Texas, some Human footprints from the Cretaceous, that is, a period over 100 million years ago. These findings disturb and challenge all evolutionary theories of modern science because this type of footprints leads us to conclude that Man was a contemporary of the dinosaurs and therefore the myth of the founding giants of the origin finds here its full justification.



To support this theory which places man at the time of the dinosaurs we need other evidences. One of these was found in the research of Mr. Burdick who, still in Glen Rose, made a curious discovery. In the bed of a dry river he found dinausor footprints alongside those of a human dating from that same period (Cretaceous).

What to think of these discoveries? Was man, beyond all probability, a contemporary of the large saurians? The fossilized tracks are really disturbing and no plausible theory, to this date, has come to refute these conclusions. An amateur archaeologist, Alvis Delk, discovered a unique footprint in the year 2000.

Still in Glen Rose Park, Texas, he saw a surprising fossilization on the ground. At the height of his surprise he noticed that it was a human trace mounting that of a Cretaceous dinosaur.



The giants and the origin of mankind Photo© Alvis Delk

These footprints were the object of several very advanced scientific analyses that in no way refuted neither the authenticity nor the nature of the fossil which is now in possession of the Creation Museum of Glen Rose, Texas. We invite you to discover the film they made to demonstrate the reality of the phenomenon. Unfortunately, this film is of poor recording quality. Watch this video



When men paints dinosaurs

For anthropologists, these excavations do not include any scientific fact and are quickly discarded, so imposing is the confusion. For them, man was never a contemporary of the dinosaurs that lived in the Mesozoic era, that is, from 251 to 65.5 million years ago. Yet, these fossil footprints are there to puzzle us and challenge many academic certainties. For the Hermetic Doctrine, large saurians were indeed the contemporaries of man in that distant time. We will return to that later…

In October and November 1924 a scientific expedition, under the supervision of Samuel Hubbard (curator at the Oakland Museum of Archaeology) and Charles W. Gilmore, (curator of paleontology at the National Museum of the United States), was organized in Havasupai Canyon in northern Arizona to search for traces of prehistoric men. They discovered wall paintings of animals and amongst them, to their amazement, a dinosaur of the diplodocus family.

A troubling question was imposed on them: how is it possible that a man could draw a dinosaur on a rock? This obviously goes against all accepted scientific theories. On the other hand, it was a man or a group of men who did the mural painting depicting a dinosaur. But to draw it of course one had to know the shape of the animal, therefore one had to see and observe it! Here was tangible proof, given the authenticity of the drawing, that man had indeed lived in the time of the dinosaurs, or at least those were men who had a memory of them.



But this is not the only enigma here implied. Natural Bridges National Monument is a desert area in southern Utah near White River Canyon. On the rock walls one can distinguish different paintings of various animals. But one of them is more than unusual because next to the portrayal of a man was a brontosaurus, an animal that happened to live in the Mesozoic era, a time when man did not exist according to scientific dogma. How could a man draw on the rock an animal that was not supposed to exist in his time?


© Brontosaure Natural Bridges National Monument -
© Brontosaure Natural Bridges National Monument –


Also in Utah, where they are definitely many petroglyphs, one can discover in Black Dragon Wash an extraordinary rock drawing showing a pterodactyl (giant flying reptile) contemporary of the big saurians. Once again, the question is not without a major concern for the obvious anachronism: how is this drawing possible?


Ptérodactyle © L.B
Ptérodactyle © L.B


On a Cambodian temple dating from the tenth century we find the schematic sculpture of a monster well-known to paleontologists, the Stegosaurus, large saurian recognizable by its dorsal plates. How is it that artists of that time were able to shape such an animal? Scholars had no knowledge of the monsters from the Mesozoic era in the tenth century.

To the extent that the animal represented is a stegosaurus this corroborates some old Asian chronicles that mention these antediluvian animals, of which Charles Gould, a nineteenth century writer, spoke in his remarkable book  Mythical monsters. In this book there is not only the tale of ancient facts reported in Chinese texts, but also the description of monsters living alongside men in the very distant past.


Representation of an animal looking like a stegosaurus - Cambodia temple 10th century A.D)
Representation of an animal looking like a stegosaurus – Cambodia temple 10th century A.D)


To conclude on the subject, I cannot avoid mentioning the famous discovery made in 1966 by Dr. Cabrera Arquea, a physician in the city of Ica in Peru. A modest farmer of his acquaintance, a native of Ocucaje, discovered by chance a cave concealing hundreds of stones with carvings illustrating scenes for the less amazing. All these black stones have spectacular petroglyphs of scenes that would fill picture books of an undatable time.

Here we see men watching a comet through a telescope, there we have surgeons with “Indian” facies carrying out an open heart surgery on a patient with sondes attached, there again some maps of unknown lands. What is most spectacular is undoubtedly the drawings showing dinosaurs with some of them tamed by humans!


Dinosaur attack ©-Museum of Ica
Dinosaur attack ©-Museum of Ica

Many types of dinosaur© Museum of Ica
Many types of dinosaur© Museum of Ica

Man riding a dinosaur-©-Museum of Ica
Man riding a dinosaur-©-Museum of Ica



This overview of representations of prehistoric animals by artists in different places of the world leaves us perplexed. Would the history of the earth be different from that which has been taught for centuries? If Man was a contemporary of dinosaurs, this means that an unknown civilization existed several million years ago. These suppositions, in the light of findings that have just been discussed, leave the door open to unusual hypotheses. What if History as we know it does not correspond to reality?



The giants and the Secret Doctrine

In the work offered on this site, one guideline is followed: to demonstrate the value of the Hermetic doctrine so dear to those who have always watched over the evolution of man, that is, The Masters of Wisdom who, since the dawn of humanity, have spread the Universal Science. Some of Them manifested at different times to impart a special Message to spur new ideas in society.


The largest diffusion of their teachings took place in the late nineteenth century through the “Old Lady”, Helena P. Blavatsky, too often misunderstood and disparaged by unscrupulous beings who derided the magnificent principles she offered her contemporaries via the Theosophical Society.


This last was, at that time, a major vehicle of transmission, which is no longer the case today.
The Masters of Wisdom brought with their teachings some extraordinary details about the race of giants that once inhabited the Earth, and the discoveries that have been mentioned in this article corroborate quite well the theses put forward by these Beings, Custodians of the Primordial Tradition.

According to the Mahatmas (Morya and Koot-Humi), at the dawn of humanity (millions of years ago) giants “as high as the towers” lived on earth. Here is what H.PB said in Isis Unveiled, I. p.153:

The antediluvian ancestors of the present elephant and the lizard were, perhaps, the mammoth and the plesiosaurus; why should not the progenitors of our human race have been the “giants” of the Vedas, the Völuspá and the Book of Genesis? While it is positively absurd to believe the “transformation of species” to have taken place according to some of the more materialistic views of Evolutionists, it is but natural to think that every genus beginning with the mollusks and ending with man, has modified its own primordial and distinctive form.


One may wonder why some human fossils, discovered today, are not gigantic since it is a question of men and animals of tall stature. The explanation is provided by the Hermetic Doctrine. Originally, over the past millions of years, life forms, although similar to ours, were of a more etheric constitution, that is, less dense than those we have today. With the evolution of the earth and the condensation of matter, the more ethereal forms were reduced in their stature. This had the effect of giving fossils of a smaller size than what they were at the time.


These men of immense size and prodigious strength were able to face the gigantic monsters of the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic. They walked the earth for millions of years and manifested in complete human form from the end of the Lemurian days 18 million years ago until the end of the Atlantean era, although their size decreased considerably from their original dimensions.


They are the ones who on the entire surface of the earth erected megalithic structures such as Stonehenge and other huge monuments, of which some traces have remained to this day. They used not only their physical strength but also scientific skills and the power of the sound which they mastered perfectly.

Even structures like the stone of Baalbek in Lebanon, or even the colossal monolith in Australia, the pyramids in Egypt and other countries around the world, are products of these giants of the origin and all the technical prowess they had achieved. I will eventually elaborate more on these subjects in a future work but I do cover this topic in my book (Thoth-Hermes – The Secret Origins of Humanity published by Editions Moryason – France).


Baalbek in Lebanon.
The giants and the origin of mankind – Baalbek in Lebanon.


You can see the similarity between Notez-la-similitude-this Heather menhir and the Bâalbek stone-©-Rex-Gilroy
You can see the similarity between Notez-la-similitude-this Heather menhir and the Bâalbek stone-©-Rex-Gilroy


The Hermetic Teachings tell us that these beings of the past had different social mores than ours, and incineration as a law was practised systematically for each deceased. This perhaps is an explanation that tends to show why it is very difficult today to find traces of past life or even skeletons of these ancient individuals. On the other hand, a response by H.P. Blavatsky on the lack of tangible elements and evidence is also pertinent:
“The Giants of old are all buried under the Oceans, and hundreds of thousands of years of constant friction by water would reduce to dust and pulverize a brazen, far more a human skeleton”. Secret Doctrine II – p.277.


Indeed, it is easy to understand that continents like Lemuria and Atlantis, vanished for millions of years, lie under silt and mud in the abysmal depths. These findings will certainly be the achievements of the archaeologists of the future who, in thousands of years, will make curious discoveries when tectonic plates move on the surface of our planet to allow the emergence of new lands.


Until then we can only rely on specific findings that will gradually piece together the frames of a story that may change the scientific view on human evolution. Much remains to be discovered all over the world, especially in Peru, a land which was the great center of Tradition in the distant past. Many countries still contain traces of the lives of the giants. In The Mahatma Letters Master Koot-Humi said:

Now, as the very existence of the gigantic ancestors of ours is now questioned-though in the Himavats, on the very territory belonging to you, we have a cave full of the skeletons of these giants- and their huge frames when found are invariably regarded as isolated freaks of nature…


This explanation is quite visionary since modern science refuses to accredit the discoveries of which we have spoken throughout this article, hiding the obvious discomfort behind the scientific canon and labeling them as vagaries of nature that it is better to avoid.


The giants and the origin of mankind, could be the title of an archeological book. In 2005 the Russian newspaper Pravda announced that Prof. Ernst Muldashev had discovered some giant graves that would contain human skeletons of impressive size in Syria. This information could not be verified since Prof. Muldashev did not get permission to excavate. We do not know if he had since furthered his research, but this obviously has rekindled the debate on the origin of mankind and the existence of giants on Earth. Was there a race of intelligent and advanced Titans in the remote past?


Science is changing

Science is unequivocal on the subject: no, there were no civilized giants on Earth in ancient times, intelligent and evolved men appeared very recently in the history of the world! Darwin, Cuvier, Wallace and other paleontologists have won over all the beliefs, myths and religions, hence brushing aside whole swathes of the world’s history, having as reference scientific discoveries that are branded “ineluctable”. It is a fact that Science has helped humanity make great strides and whatever the field considered the facts are undeniable.

Yet, we forget to note that science itself is changing and what was true yesterday is not necessarily so today. All domains are affected by this unwritten history, paleontology, archeology, astronomy, medicine … We all have noticed that scientific facts of yesterday are put aside after being challenged by today’s researchers. This is what makes Science progress and that is a good thing. But now, without resorting to philosophical courts, it is clear that some “too innovative” scholars must wage a long struggle to wrest recognition from their peers for their unusual discoveries.

Moreover, if any of them ventures to change the order of the long-established structures then voices rise from the temple of science to refute the new knowledge. Thus, over the centuries and even today, many facts have been veiled because they are too unsettling or because they do not fit the reasoning mould of the Academy.

This picture is an example of hoax travelling through the net
This picture is an example of hoax travelling through the net


Paleontology is still in its infancy. At an ever fast pace new leads come to refute the old, and they move back the origin of Man more and more. Toumai seems to be the most ancient of our ancestors, but until when? Tomorrow, with a random discovery, who will it be? Can we really believe this theory of primitive and simian beings as our ancestors? Science, although very honorable, is a dogma that replaced that which prevailed at the time of the Inquisition with the Papacy: “outside the Church there is no salvation!” they used to say.


Today it is science that prevails because it upholds the dogma of matter and out of the sacrosanct science there is no room for bold but founded hypotheses that could have made things progress. All in all this is still significant in that this method acts as a safeguard against misguided minds sinking in the unfathomable depths of nonsense.


The giants and the origin of mankind

We know that since ancient times many peoples have made strange discoveries of traces of life and objects buried in the ground. It is not a matter here of including findings that have been assigned, for lack of scientific knowledge, some grotesque origins. Whether in ancient or present texts there are stories the honesty of which cannot be doubted, and they mention discoveries of giant bones that have been attributed to humans.

It turns out that often, by ignorance, what was formerly ascribed to humans happened to be dinosaur bones. That is why, and in good faith, many people could have been mistaken in the past before such gigantic piles of bones. However numerous were their mistakes, there were also revelations from enlightened men whose word cannot be doubted before remains that were absolutely stunning.

Here is a non exhaustive list taken from old texts that yields some troubling facts:

Solinus, in Polyhistor, claimed that during the War of Crete after the overflow of a river they found the bones of a man of 16.7 m in height, according to the report by Lieutenant Fraccus.


Pliny wrote in his Natural History, Book 7 chap. 6, that in Crete, after the collapse of a hill during an earthquake, they also uncovered the remains of a man of 22m in height that were believed to be those of the giant Orion.


Philostratus said that after the collapse of a cliff on the banks of the river Orontes they discovered the burial chamber of the Ethiopain Ariadne, of 14m in height. And a in a cave in Mount Sigeum they also found a skeleton of 10,71 m .


Fesellus affirmed that in 1516 John Tranciforte, Earl of the village of Mazarino, had his field dug and found a grave containing the corpse of a giant of almost 9.7 m. He also said that in Mellitus between Siracusa and Leontini they found a grave with numerous bones of giants. In 1547, in the same region of the territory of Palermo, in a mountain that was dug for saltpeter, they uncovered remains of a giant of 8.7m.


Phlegon said that the Carthaginians discovered two chests holding human bones of giants in a cave. He also said that near “Litres”, in Egypt, there is a place where they discovered giants as tall as those found in Sicily. (De Reb Mirabilis).


Tertullian when he wanted to prove the resurrection mentioned the skeletons of giants that were in the fields at that time. (De resurreccion carnis).


Suetonius spoke of Giants bones discovered in the island of Capri.


Plutarch reported that Sertorius, being in Mauritania, opened the sepulcher of Antaeus and therein found a skeleton of 34.15 m.


Antonius Pagafeta said that in the Strait of Magellan there were men of prodigious stature.
Sigilbert reported that in 1171, in England, an inundation caused the resurfacing of the remains of a giant measuring 16 m in height.


Fulgiesus, in chap. 6 Book 1, wrote that during the reign of Charles VII, in the hills of Vivarais, near Valencia, they discovered a sepulcher containing the remains of a giant measuring 9, 71 m. Coleius Rhodiginus said that near the same city during the reign of Louis XI they unearthed a giant of 5.84 m.


In 1505 in Rouen (France), they found the skeleton of a gigantic “knight” whose skull contained a bushel of wheat and whose tibia reached the men of the time at the hip (he would measure 3.30 m).


In Germany, in 1594, in the region of Greifswald they had tombs of giants scraped off and repolished . Therein, stonemasons found skeletons of 3.63m, 5 and 28m long with hives by their side.


Father Pegues revealed in his book The Volcanoes of Greece that:
In the vicinity of volcanoes in the island Thera, giants with enormous skulls were discovered, buried under colossal stones, the erection of which would require the use of titanic forces.


Cieza de Leon, the first European explorer of the fantastic city of Tiahuanaco heard from his guide: Tiahuanaco was built in one night by unknown giants who came from a distant world.


Independently, all peoples speak of similar discoveries.

The Pantagonians

The most impressive description of “contemporary giants” is found in the book Magellan’s Voyage around the World. Indeed, Magellan and his crew discovered a strange and tall people near Tierra del Fuego, the last survivors of a certainly very old civilization. Their description alleged that these giants measured over 3 meters in height. Later, Magellan named the people Pantagons and the country Pantagonia. Here is a selected piece recounting their encounter:

The pantagonians giants

Having continued their navigation south, they came upon a land inhabited by very wild people of prodigious stature. These giants made a terrible noise like the mooing of oxen. Despite their enormous size, they were so agile that no Spaniard could match them in a race. Sailors then pushed a little farther south, which they believed uninhabited. But one savage from the surrounding area came to visit. He looked strong, vigorous, and was dancing and singing along the way.

Having arrived at the shores, he stopped and poured dust over his head. The men descended from the ship, went to him and brought him on board. He was so tall that the head of an average-sized man of Magellan’s crew reached him at the waist and he was big in proportion.

Magellan gave food and drink to the giant who became very happy, until he looked at his face in a mirror that was gifted to him among other trifles. He flinched backwards with fright and overturned two men close to him. He got along so well with the Spaniards that they soon found themselves in the company of several of these giants…


Can we deny all these chronicles of times past? Should we take these historians for fools or liars? Certainly not since History still refers to them today. Plutarch and Pliny are references in the field and they knew, as would a child today, that we do not put animal bones in a sepulcher, but those of a human being. Who were these giants of the past with heights as much as: 3. 6m – 5. 2m – 9m – 16m – 22m or 34 m?



In the light of ancient texts

Why, at all times, have the civilizations insisted on these races of giants that lived upon the planet in time immemorial? Unfortunately, if archaeologists could have examined these ancient tombs and human bones they would have found nothing from these past eras that would shed greater light on our origins.

But at the time those findings engendered fright and they hurriedly made them disappear, mainly because of a lack of interest or to avoid attracting bad influences. That is how some valuable treasures disappeared, as recently disappeared (for other reasons) these remnants of Atlantis: the Bamiyan statues!



The Ramayana and the Puranas

The Gibborim or the giants of the Bible are in fact the Rakshasas of the Hindus, and both represent the Atlanteans before the submersion of the continent. These fabled Rakshasas presented in the Ramayana and the Puranas are the famed giants who fought Ram, with some joining him thanks to Hanuman, the giant with simian facies (which corresponds to their appearance at that time). The Hermetic Doctrine teaches us that some of these ancient races had faces recalling the physiognomy of the statues of Easter Island, last, still visible vestiges of the Lemuro-Atlanteans.

Fresco showing the battle between Rakshasas and monkeys - Ankor-Vat
Fresco showing the battle between Rakshasas and monkeys – Ankor-Vat



According to Eusebius, the Babylonian priests claimed that Babylon was founded by those who escaped the Deluge: they were giants; they built the tower mentioned in history. These giants, sons of God, received a complete instruction on secret things and taught the priests afterwards. They turn their temples into the depositories of the knowledge they were imbued of.

There is much to say about the transmission of knowledge in Mesopotamia. Many authors, in all sincerity, are engaged in bold surmises on these giant founders of Mesopotamian history. Some even rushed into dubious theories that are far from what the Hermetic Doctrine teaches us.

Gilgamesh and the lion
Gilgamesh and the lion



The Bible

Particularly in Genesis, the Bible presents these extraordinary giants of the first ages. Whether they be named Anaquims, Gibborims, Emims, Nephilims or Rephaims , these gigantic beings that dot the texts of the Old Testament are not fables invented by the commentators. The mistake which consists in considering them as such stems from the fact that the authors of Genesis, who reported on the events of the past, have judged it fit to insert them into the decor of their time, thereby a certain anachronism.


They really existed, says the Hermetic Doctrine, in very ancient times, and were part of what is usually common to call: The Lemurian race the first ages which, over millennia of evolution, metamorphosed through its fusion with the Atlantean race. They are also represented by the famous Titans in the poems of Homer and Hesiod, and the Cyclopes, of whom one, Polyphemus, had trouble with Odysseus and his sailors. Moses spoke of Og, a king whose bed was more than 5m long.

The Edda

The Völuspá, text of the Seeress, from the Edda of the Norse or the Icelandics, says:

I remember the giants
Born at the dawn of time,
They, who a very long time ago,
Gave me life.
Nine worlds I remember,
Nine vast expanses,
And the glorious Tree of the World
Still buried in the Earth.
(Translated from the compilation and translation made by Snorri Sturluson)

Here again, it is about these giants of the first ages, the same as those portrayed in the Bible or even the sacred texts of India. The War of the Aesir with the giants of the frost is famous and illustrates this fantastic era of a forgotten history. But on closer examination, a researcher may well weave a logical Ariadne’s thread through all these ancient texts and read the same story, and with each new reading find new details that complete the whole.


The Popol-Vuh

The Popol Vuh tells us that a race of Giants populated the world during the Second Sun. According to the Mayan Holy Book when the light and the Sun rose in the East there appeared the deformed Giants who became masters of the Earth. Before the world began, Ixmucané, the mother of the gods, gathered her five children, the Giants of the Earth, The Master Artisans of the Day and the Night and Kukulkan, the plumed serpent, to accomplish the creation of the Earth, plants and animals. But when it came to that of man the difficulties began. Ixmucané wanted him fashioned in clay, by the Giants…

These are the same giants portrayed in the Popol-Vuh who were at the origin of the building of huge cities like Tihuanaco in Bolivia, Sacsayhuaman, Cuzco and Marcahuasi in Peru. They are still those who shaped the famous Toltec statues in Mexico during the last days of Atlantis etc…. And these countries in South America have not finished unveiling all their secrets on these lost civilizations.


Painting of Boris Vallejo
Painting of Boris Vallejo – The giant




The history of Egypt as we know it is tardy, and although the Egyptologists are convinced that this civilization only goes back 4500 years the Hermetic Doctrine speaks of a more ancient Egypt, heiress of the Altantean tradition after the cataclysm that sank the last island of the continent. At that time the Atlantean survivors who mingled with the Egyptians were giants for other civilizations.

Their size was imposing (3.5 or 4m) despite the decrease due to evolution. Amongst them were the divine kings of whom Egypt as we know it had retained only a vague memory. Diodorus of Sicily said that at the time of Isis men were very tall and were called giants by the Greeks.

Obviously, other texts and ancient codices address in a more precise fashion the origin of mankind and the giant builders and creators. An article like this would not be sufficient to exhaust the entire subject. It is also worth noting that in all places there are gigantic burial sites, dolmens or menhirs: France, England, Peru, India, Sweden, Spain, Africa, Palestine, Sardinia, Algeria, Russia, Bolivia etc…

If all peoples thus speak of giants as mythical creatures who lived on Earth before the Flood, it is obvious that they could not have invented those very precise stories which tell of a titanic battle that resulted in the extinction of their race. Moreover, they were more often called sons of God or sons of the Gods, their powers were immense and their strength colossal.

Who were these giants of origin? To what do they correspond in the history of mankind? Why has not science ever looked into this era ignored by the evolution of species so dear to Darwin? It is on these questions that we will try to shed some light in the next article:

The giants and the origin of mankind Part II: The Discoveries


With this new chapter we continue our approach of the lost continent with scientific discoveries which in recent years have provided some disturbing information. Each reader can then do the needed synthesis for a better comprehension.


Unexpected discoveries

Scientists, at the beginning of the 20th century, refrained from considering theories when facts pertaining to this sunken area were again brought to light. A German Atlantologist, Jürgen Spanuth, refused to accept these revelations. In his opinion the last Atlantic collapses date back millions of years, which would exclude the presence of Man. His assertions are not at all based in fact for although this German pastor made his contribution in the long history of the search of the sunken continent he certainly was not interested in the discoveries made a few decades ago by a former president of the Prehistoric Society of France, Georges Poisson, who exposed the work of a renowned geologist: Pierre Termier. The research of this last led him to reveal that during the laying of a submarine cable linking Brest to Cape Cod in 1908,at the North of the Azores, at 47 ° N and 19 ° 40’ W, and 500 miles from the Islands, the pitchfork brought back small mineral splinters having the appearance of recently broken shards.

atl6_atlantide1On this subject Pierre Termier commented:

The splinters thus pulled from rocky outcrops at the bottom of the Atlantic are of vitreous lava… Such lava, completely vitreous, reaches this state only under atmospheric pressure. Moreover, these summits must have collapsed suddenly in a relatively recent epoch; otherwise the atmospheric erosion and marine abrasion would have long leveled the entire surface.


This scientist’s conclusion deserves our attention:

A whole region North of the Azores, perhaps including the Azores themselves – and in this case these islands would only be the visible ruins- collapsed quite recently, probably during what geologists name the “present” epoch, so much that is recent, and which, to us in this day, seems like yesterday.

Georges Poisson, meanwhile, gives the approximate dates of this collapse. He thinks it could date back to the time of the withdrawal of the ice, that is, between 18,500 and 6500 B.C. It should be noted that Plato placed this cataclysm in 9600 B.C. The two dates seem to be perfectly compatible.

When considering the current depths of the Atlantic one realizes that a very particular geographical relief takes shape. The seabed is truly crossed by mountain chains roughly parallel to the East and West coasts. The North Atlantic chain begins at the foot of Spitsbergen, contours the coast of Greenland, widens around Iceland and expands around the dome of the Azores. It stops right before the equator. Then, there is an isolated massif, the equatorial massif, followed by a South Atlantic chain that extends to Tristan da Cunha Island and runs east to Bouvet Island.


There is still another important observation here: these North-South chains are regularly crossed by East-West transversal chains linking Iceland to Greenland, Iceland, England and Cape Cod to Cape St Vincent, Puerto Rico to the Strait of Gibraltar, and Cape San Roque in Brazil to the African coast of Guinea. When geologists discovered these cross-chains, they immediately put forward the theory of “bridges”.

These chains would be debris from strips of land between the two shores of the ocean; these would have collapsed during the Quaternary, which would support other discoveries we will now discuss.
When a discovery is made, a chain reaction ensues. Thus, with the so-called theory of “bridges” biologists themselves have reached interesting conclusions. On both sides of the Atlantic there is a similar fauna and flora whereas such is not the case for other continents. And this is indisputable for Tertiary and Quaternary species.



The phenomenon of eels

The philosopher Aristotle was the first to be interested in the eels but because of a lack of resources he could not go very far in his investigations. It was only in 1922 that Schmidt, the Danish scientist, observed the multiplication of the eels; after months of studying their evolution, he then reached convincing results. It turned out that only the females live in the rivers and ponds of Europe, and they stay there for only two years. After that time, they begin to move in other directions, to the mouths of the rivers where the males are awaiting.

Together, the group swims West at great depth. The journey lasts 140 days. Finally, the eels reach the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda. You should know that this sea is cluttered with interlaced marine plants that do not facilitate the navigation of small ships.
Eels begin their spawning at 300 meters below level in the Sargasso Sea. Then the females die and very early small eels leave for Europe. Sailors know this because they swim in huge shoals of up to 25 meters thick for three years. At the mouths of rivers the males remain at sea and the females go upstream. Two years later the cycle will resume.

It was colonel Braghine who reported this, and he was able to deduce:

At some time, a continent with a great river existed between Europe and the Bermudas. Perhaps the Sargasso Sea is the survival of the swampy delta of this giant prehistoric river and eels, accustomed during millions of years to spawn there in safety from their enemies, have preserved this habit until to-day, when not only the river, but the continent itself has disappeared.

The collapse of the Atlantean plate had multiple consequences. One of the most important was that it allowed the Gulf Stream to course to the European coasts, freeing them of their ice cap. This, in a way, explains the local end of the last glaciation. We must now clarify this hypothesis and confront the two theories that currently differ over the real causes of the disappearance of Atlantis.


The geophysical phenomenon

Evidence concerning Atlantis, you have understood, is not much, but it is sufficient enough to support a viable conclusion. What is important in such cases is to do inferential investigations and comparisons of recent scientific data.

During the last 10,000 years, as a result of the melting of the continental ice in North America, Northern and Central Europe, the level of the seas and oceans rose substantially, and this increase could have been at the origin (a cause only) of the collapse of Atlantis. But we will go further.

According to the American anthropologist Alan H. Kelso de Montigny the map of the Atlantic seabed shows an impressive “hole” right in the middle of the arch of the West Indies, which surrounds it like the remnant of a giant crater half submerged. Kelso de Montigny is of the opinion that at this particular point a planetoid must have struck about 10,000 years ago.


We reach here a most alluring theory as we think of the goddess with the mane of fire, the sky that is set ablaze, etc., in the various traditions that we have examined together. This is a non-negligible constant, and we enjoin you to review these ancient texts for the explanations that follow, when it comes to the rain of hot water, rain of fire, rain of tar, etc…

As regards the planetoid, it could have been a fragment of a heavenly body that caused this cataclysm. When considering these facts, one comes to think that the two underwater cavities at the center of the disaster are due to the impact of the nucleus of the planetoid, split in two pieces. Recent scientific discoveries tend to prove that this cataclysm really took place at the heart of the Atlantic Ocean several thousand years ago.

The fall of the planetoid, according to author Otto Muck, would have caused chain reactions that are easy to observe thanks to geological deposits still visible nowadays. He said:

If we take a total of 2 x 1016 tonnes of water mixed with 3x 1015 tonnes of ash and spread evenly across the whole of northern Eurasia, this will yield a mean depth of rain of about 100 feet (30 meters). This was the immense reservoir out of which the downpour burst on the old world. The floodgates of heaven were truly opened. Springs, small streams, great rivers- all swelled under the tremendous cloud-bursts…The erupting gases included, in addition to water vapor, carbon dioxide and other asphyxiating gases such as sulfurous vapors and hydrogen sulfide, chloride and the other highly volatile compounds.

But in the liquid magma there also had to be non-combustible gases. It follows that during the catastrophe on Atlantis, an enormous amount of choking gas was released and that must have had disastrous effects upon human beings. Perhaps it was not the Flood itself that caused the fall of Atlantis; it was only the immediate consequence.

This rain of stones, gases and solids, had to generate 1.5 billion tons of pumice, i.e., a mass of 3 million km3. Consequently, this had to form a layer of about one hundred meters upon the ocean. According to estimated calculations, this “sea of mud”, as called in some ancient writings, would have remained there for about three thousand years, which made navigation impossible. And one can read how many ships ventured in vain to this area…

Otto Muck’s conclusions are directly connected to the discoveries made by other researchers who are Atlantologists or specialists in other disciplines.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the ancient texts are seen in a new light thanks to Muck’s conclusions. There is a constant, and we have seen it in these writings of the chroniclers of the past: it is this fire that falls from the sky, this sudden night that appears. However, we now know a little better how this cataclysm could have occurred and the disastrous effects it must have had on human beings about 12,000 years ago. Some populations had to be decimated; animals, flora, everything had to start from scratch, almost in all areas.

atl6_atlantide2That is why caves and mountains were the only refuges for those who wanted to escape this disaster. Also, it must be said that the gases that we mentioned certainly had to damage what prevents ultraviolet rays from burning life on Earth, i.e.,the protective ozone layer at high altitude. For several centuries life must have been very hard, and the custodians of knowledge, knowing that this cataclysm was coming, received the mission of safeguarding the human heritage in secret locations. That is why one can find some anachronisms in the history reported by chroniclers such as weapons of fire in remote times or men manipulating electricity.

As the planet must have suffered a big shock it was certainly not possible to keep all the technology and the science of their forefathers. However, it is interesting to note how the heirs of the Atlanteans were able to create some extraordinary civilizations after the Flood. The survivors of the Flood – 12,000 years ago- had already lost a large part of their scientific knowledge. The Wise Men who would form what is now known as the Great white Lodge had already taken the necessary measures to protect the Tradition so as to initiate the new cycle of evolution that was to begin on Earth. A new type of human beings was to come… (See my book : The atlantean choice, by Guillaume Delaage).


To conclude

Here ends this study of the lost continent. We could have discussed new scientific research and discoveries made recently by scientists that indicate that a continent did exist beyond the Strait of Gibraltar. Although timid in their conclusions these researchers attest to the existence of these lands which for a long time were considered mythical. An article published in 2001 in Research, a scientific magazine, confirms the reality of lands that would confirm Plato’s account. This revenge of the myth on science is just in its infancy with regard to what remains to be discovered and all that will never be. Atlantis is part of our past and our origins.

Today, as the world shudders with fear because of the folly of some, it is time to ponder our future. A question that was not really raised in the context of these various articles is: what do we have to learn from all this? Why was Atlantis sunken? Tradition says that the Atlanteans once became wicked and shadowy. Their pride led them to their decline and the cataclysm. Powers were used for selfish and destructive ends. They made their fellow men and the planet suffer, and their world was destroyed.

One does not have to be a seer to notice that nowadays the scenario appears to be the same, although we cannot quite compare that era to ours. However, many things seem identical. Under the laws of Karma, we have not finished paying the Atlantean debt. That is why, today, two paths open before us: we either decide to open up and respond to the awakening of consciousness or we sink in the search of the instant gratification which satisfies the ego.

With the first perspective, we have everything to gain. With the second, we open a door leading to an unfathomable abyss which no one knows what kind of disaster it can lead our generation and the ones to follow. That is the choice before our Humanity. Never have scientists and policymakers spoken with so much insistence about the risks to our planet; never has the technology been so powerful to drive Man to self-destroy. In my book:

Ou l’origine du mal planetaire actuel”

I discuss in details all these subjects and an Atlantis even older than what is referred to in the different articles.

This speech is not meant to be catastrophic. On the contrary, it seeks to demonstrate that everyone has the free will to take the path of life and evolution, with consciousness and steadfastness, and side with wisdom. Great beings have come over the past century to bring a message of hope by opening the doors of Knowledge to all, which had never happened before.

These things do not happen without a reason.


After glancing over the Iberian peoples, we are now going across the seas to reach the shores of Latin America. Originally, the Atlanteans were the transmitters of knowledge to many peoples. One can dare say that the great civilizations that populated the Americas, Europe, Africa and even India benefited from the Atlantean culture before it degenerated, as pointed out by Plato in “Timæus”.


The Mayas

When the Conquistadors came to Latin America, they poured torrents of blood and destroyed priceless documents about the history of mankind. Fortunately, there were Codices that escaped that destruction, and for the Maya civilization we count only three. These codices, incorrectly decrypted, do not allow us to say much about a disaster. On the other hand, the Mayan calendar is extraordinary and surprising in its precision. It is not possible here to expand on this subject. However, an important date is mentioned in this calendar and it corresponds with the fall of Atlantis. In addition to the only three codices that have reached us from that tradition there is the sacred book of the Mayas of Guatemala: the Popol Vuh.

The Creation according to the Popol Vuh - by D. Rivera
The Creation according to the Popol Vuh – by D. Rivera

That very complete book gives many details about the origin of Mankind and the character of a disaster which is undoubtedly the one that destroyed Atlantis. It is said that they heard noise of flames in the celestial heights, that the earth was shaken, objects revolted against men, and that rain water and tar fell upon the Earth, trees swayed, homes crumbled, caves collapsed and the day became dark. Here we find the same description made by other authors and other traditions around the world. The Chilam Balam of the Yucatán claims that in a very remote time, the motherland of the Maya was engulfed by the sea, which was accompanied by earthquakes and terrible eruptions.


The Aztecs

We cannot ignore the importance the Aztec priests gave to the countries of the East, hence the existence of Quetzalcoalt, the plumed serpent, bearer of civilization. The Incas believed in Viracocha, a god who came to them directly from the East. In his book, “Atlantis: From Legend to Discovery”, Andrew Tomas says:

The Olmecs, predecessors of the Aztecs, could have been subjects of the Atlantean empire. When the archaeologists had difficulties in establishing the age of the pyramid of Cuicuilco, on the outskirts of Mexico City, they appealed to geologists since half of the structure was covered with solid lava. Two volcanoes stood nearby and one would naturally ask the question: “When did the eruption occur?”

Just like the pyramids, sphinxes were found in the Yucatan. They are reproduced in Mayan style. Many Atlantologists are of the opinion that the emblem of the cross came from Atlantis since it was venerated in all its presumed colonies.

According to Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian of the first century, Nimrod would have built the Tower of Babel as a refuge in case of a second Deluge. The Mexican chronicler Ixtlilxochitl gives us a similar argument that would have led the Toltecs to build pyramids.


The Toltecs

This people lived in Mexico. We do not know much about them, except for some texts that have reached us, such as that of Ixtlilxochitl. He said:

When men multiplied, they built a very high zacuali (which is today a very tall tower) so that they could seek refuge in case the second world was destroyed… But the gods were offended by this pride and cast a fire from the sky upon the tower, and workers perished in large numbers. This is why the pyramid of Cholula was not completed.

Here is thus expressed through the various texts that we have seen the constant in all Western and American traditions. This, of course, is seen in a broad synopsis, but it is no less true that other civilizations speak of the same. The Toltecs (amongst others) give the same details on the fall of Atlantis and what in the West we call the Tower of Babel. The similarity is striking!


Memories of Atlantis around the world

Throughout this study, it would appear that only the great civilizations of the past had kept a memory of Atlantis. This is false and many ethnologists have found tribes living around the world that report the same facts with different terms. We cannot cite all of them, but we know for example that the Indians settled on the banks of the inner course of the Mackenzie River in Canada claim that a wave of unbearable heat poured over their Arctic countries during the Flood and that suddenly a freezing cold followed that heat. In all respects this ties with the latest scientific discoveries about the sudden atmospheric change that occurred on our planet about 11,000 years ago.

When speaking of North America, it is good to talk of the oral tradition of the Algonquins who lived entirely in the area of the westerly winds. They say that their God and hero Minabozho fell into the sea which overflew and submerged the lands. There seems to be here the suggestion of a celestial body falling into the heart of the present Atlantic Ocean. The Arawaks in Guyana, the North of Brazil and Colombia, have the same “legend”. Their good God Sigoo would have saved humanity from the Flood. All these traditions tally in the North as in the South, in the East as in the West. To conclude on this aspect of the ancient traditions on Atlantis, it is also useful to present some facts retracing the history of Asia. The Mahabaratha of India recounts how Brahma appeared in the form of a fish before Manu, the father of the human race, to save him from the Flood.

atl5_atlantide_enfouieIn his “History of China” Martinus Martini, a Jesuit missionary who worked in China in the 17th century, speaks of very old Chronicles evoking a time where the sky suddenly began to decline towards the North. The planets, the Sun and the Moon changed their course after an upheaval on planet Earth. This is an indication of a wobbling of the Earth which would explain the astronomical phenomena described in Chinese records. That would concur with the current conclusions of Science that say that the Earth moved its magnetic and geographic pole about 11,000 years ago. This was a quick overview of what the archives of humanity have unveiled.

It is always interesting to compare the traditions and consider the problems from a new angle. Our world has not yet lost all of its memory. The relics of the distant past are still present and only a comparative study will allows us to take stock and prove that men have a common history; that they have no differences than those they have bestowed upon themselves, and therefore there is an unbreakable bond amongst all: the brotherhood beyond all social and material contingencies.

After this jump, this escape in time, and armed with this knowledge of the great Atlantean disaster as viewed by the ancients, we now return a little closer to home to quickly examine the ideas put forth by some researchers of the past centuries who toiled to demonstrate that Atlantis was a reality. These men obviously lacked the elements of information that we have today, but we will see that in spite of that their deductions were logical and useful for our current scientific research. We would be tempted to say, almost like in a fairytale: “the centuries passed, and the people lived in ignorance.”


Qualified atlantologists

It is rather like this that one should see things with regard to Atlantis. Evidently, researchers at the beginning of the Christian era became interested in the lost continent, but no rigorous study was initiated to prove anything. Besides, the time did not lend itself to that, and only those who could carry out investigations in this domain were secretly educated in the wisdom schools. As a curiosity, we will now present the history of the recent past when these men undertook research that often aborted. Those were men who, compared to the time elapsed since the disappearance of Atlantis, are not so distant from us. Strange theses were sometimes supported. In 1533 the Spaniard Gomora claimed that Atlantis was none other than America. This certainly stemmed from the fact that the discovery of the new world ignited many imaginations. A more serious research was conducted in 1665 by Jesuit Fr. Athanase Kircher who saw in the Azores the highest peaks of sunken Atlantis. This hypothesis is taken up today by some explorers.

A. Kircher
A. Kircher

Pallas, meanwhile, in keeping with the scholarly research he undertook, asserted that the plains of Russia once formed an ocean. Also, one can find bones of elephants, Buffalos, rhinos, as well as monstrous human bones around Syfran, on the Volga. With this he sought to demonstrate that a gigantic cataclysm took place on our planet thousands of years ago. Another researcher emeritus, Ignatius Donnelly, in his book “Atlantis, the antediluvian world”, gave an enthusiastic exposé of his discoveries on the lost continent. His arguments today appear slim. However, we must pay homage to this atlantologist due to the limited means then available to produce better results. The Swede Rudbeck, published four volumes to support that Atlantis was in the Scandinavian Peninsula. These four volumes served as introduction to a yet more important work. As by a twist of fate the manuscript disappeared in the Uppsala fire in 1709. Needless to say the author died of grief almost immediately.

The French naturalist and writer Buffon (1707-1788) did a comparative research on geophysics in his “Natural History”, and then in “The epochs of Nature”. Delisles de Salles would search for Atlantis in the Caucasus based on the information provided in the Bible. To the German Bock Atlantis was to be found in South Africa. This man labored all his life to try to prove his thesis.

In 1779, Bailly, the future mayor of Paris during the Revolution, located Atlantis in Spitsbergen. He was forced to interrupt his research because of his political commitments. The years passed, and forty years later two men, Latreille and Bartoldi, claimed to have located Atlantis in Greece! In 1855 Jacob Kruger revived the American theory and here was Atlantis back on dry land and no longer a sunken continent. And there were still other personalities such as of Saint-Yves D’alveydre (portrait), Richard Simon, Fabre d’ Olivet (in his “ Histoire philosophique du genre humain” ) and even Chateaubriand who picked up the torch and brought out very important information on the subject.

At the end of the 19th century researchers began to mobilize and they made known what they had discovered. Subsequently, the first real works undertaken about what the ancients called “the Island of Poseidonis” began to bubble in the scientific community. The arguments thus became more and more precise, but still incomplete. In 1874, Berlioux, in his book on the Atlanteans said:

Atlantis should be located in North Africa. An earthquake would have submerged the foot of the Atlas and the legend, having reached Solon, would have made of this earthquake the cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis.

This hypothesis, for the least enticing, was taken over in 1893 by a German named Knötel. Later, two other Germans, Borchardt and Hermann, argued that it was in Tunisia, in the region of Chott, that one had to find Atlantis.

The list could even be longer, and if the readers are particularly interested in the authors of the past they can procure an important book from Editions Payot: “Atlantis” by Alexandre Bessmertny. That book brings together, and with a luxury of details, the works of these various researchers who pioneered the Atlantology. You might notice that the ideas expressed were sometimes far-fetched and sometimes absurd or incoherent. Today, our technology and our scientific knowledge open a new horizon for research. It must be said that the scientists and the armies of the Super powers know where they stand on Atlantis, due to very secret missions that have been sent from both sides to explore the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. But we are not there yet.

In the next installment we will see how Atlantis has once again become a reality for the modern world, with very specific studies being undertaken by renowned scientists since the beginning of the last century. It is however necessary to open a parenthesis: It was that stubbornness of the researchers of the past that enables us today to draw closer to this reality. It was their mistakes, their missteps, which led us to reconstitute this land at the heart of the Atlantic Ocean. And the research has only just begun.


After studying Atlantis in the light of the peoples and civilizations from around the Mediterranean, we will try to go a little further in our investigations by comparing certain linguistic roots, remnants of a bygone world. Atlantic Europe still offers a wide field of experimentation to the researcher. So let us head to a small territory on the border of Spain and France: the Basque country.


The roots of basques

In recent decades, many ethnologists, historians and etymologists have looked into what it is now by agreement called “the Basque mystery”. There is a legend in that nation that speaks of a cataclysm in which fire and water waged a battle. The ancestors of the Basques took refuge in caves and were saved. Based on this hypothesis, is it possible that hidden in the current idioms there would be identifiable remnants of a global language from the end of the Paleolithic? We might illustrate this by quoting the Old Testament (Genesis, XI), where it is said:

Now the whole world had one language and a common speech…

and further: …Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. So YAVHE scattered them from there over all the earth.

Tower of Babel by Brueghel
Tower of Babel by Brueghel

This passage is very interesting because it precisely conveys what other traditions say about it. In one of his books, Fabre d’Olivet makes reference to this breach in the history of Mankind, known as the Schism of Irshou.

In antiquity that battle was referred to as the dispute between two brothers and enemies: Irshou and Tarakhya. This implies that at the dawn of mankind Atlantis, cradle of civilizations, gave a single language to the entire planet. That would probably explain why nowadays we can see so many similarities amongst languages.

We have seen in the Basque the survival of ancient Iberian known only by its inscriptions on coins. This language ranks amongst others of the Caucasian race, such as the Chaldean, the Cassite, the Hittite, the Lysian, the Mysian, the Psidian, the Isaurian, the Lycaonian and, in the group of unknown languages, the Cappadocian and the Etruscan. The Romans called the Basques Vascones. They called themselves the Euscuaras or Euskeras, that is, the men who speak Euskera.

We now know that some Siberian languages have a resemblance to the Basque. Thus, the language of the nomadic reindeer herders living on the Tchoukotska peninsula, in the far northeast of Asia, holds some assonance with the Basque. In his book” The Shadow of Atlantis” Colonel Braghine (the Atlantologist) said :

I was present when a former Russian officer of Georgian origin found himself able to talk with the Natives of Vizcaya immediately upon his arrival in Northern Spain: he spoke Georgian, but the Basques understood his language.

Braghine also claimed that the Basque had a compelling analogy to the Japanese. He went on saying:

When in Guatemala, I often heard about one Indian tribe living in the Peten district (Northern Guatemala): this tribe speaks a language resembling Basque, and I heard of an occasion when a Basque missionary preached in Peten in his own idiom with great success.

For his research Braghine travelled to the city of Tula near Petén. He visited the Otomi tribe. Here is what he said about it:

These Indians speak the old Japanese idiom, and once when the Japanese ambassador to Mexico visited this tribe he talked with them in this old dialect.

It is clear that at the root of all these related idioms there necessarily must be a very ancient language.

Elements of comparison

The Basques, with their aquiline nose, have retained the characteristic profile of the ancient Maya, found nowadays in their purebred descendants, the Lancandon Indians. And this same profile is also portrayed on a certain prehistoric stone of Vendée, still visible at low tide. Oddly enough, the Basques still cultivate their land the same way the Maya did. There is amongst the Basques a belief in a mythical serpent with seven heads: the Herensuge, which strikes us as the serpent worship of the Aztecs. The old Basque custom of counting in tens finds its parallel in Central America where they used a similar arithmetic. Moreover, the French have inherited from the Basques the word “quatre- vingt”, meaning “four scores”.


Another analogy can be reported: the national game of the Basques is Pelota. This game which can be considered the ancestor of tennis is a game of skill that also requires much strength. The Jai-Alai, played with a Wicker glove attached to the wrist (the chisteras), reminds us of the Mayan game “Put-a-tuk” with similar rules. In view of these many similarities, it appears that these peoples were connected and instructed by a mother civilization: Atlantis, which, with its collapse, left its children on their own.
If we talk here about the origin of the Basques, it is because everything leads us to believe that the capital of Atlantis, Poseidonis (according to Plato), stood near the Iberian Coast, and that some geographical spots of these regions were Atlantean colonies.

Atlantis was a bridge between one side of the Atlantic Ocean and the other. Tradition says that the Atlanteans had a peaceful experiment of civilization with the peoples of Latin America. One should also remember that the emigration of Atlanteans allowed them to share some extensive amount of knowledge with these American, European and African ethnic groups they contacted.

But the transmission of scientific and traditional knowledge was devolved to the race of the Pelasgians (Cham) and later the Celts with Ram (Japheth) and finally the Semites (Sem). It is this last people who benefited from the knowledge of the previous two and especially from this neutral colony which for a long time sheltered some scientists of the mother-race. We are referring here to the earliest Egyptians, direct heirs of the Atlanteans.


Are the Basques the last Atlanteans?

As we return to the analogies and vestiges of civilizations, we must now consider the geography and comparative study of another region of Europe that is very close to the Basque country: the Spanish province of Andalusia, and more specifically, the Guadalquivir Valley. This is where the descendants of the legendary empire of Tartessos still live today. The low swampy plain and estuary of the Guadalquivir are proofs that Plato located his island of Atlantis on the Western side of the ocean. He was precise enough to provide us with the answer to the question as to whether it was the Iberian, Celtic, or Libyan coast.

He said that the second son of Poseidon, Eumelos(the first Atlantean monarch), was also called Gadeiros, and that the eastern part of Atlantis, which was entrusted to Gadeiros, stretched to the Pillars of Hercules and close to Gades (Cádiz). It is the only topographic indication we have on Atlantis but for our research it is of inestimable value. In the next section – before we head to the American shores – we will return to the research and conclusions that can be formed about this part of Spain – in relation to the Atlantean continent – as we analyse the legends and myths that are still vibrant in the memory of peoples.

atl4_atlcarteWe could have dwelt a little more on the mysteries surrounding the Basque people. But, as you know, our intention is to do a broad study of Atlantis and keep to the most important points. Last month, we started a study of the region of Tartessos in Spain. In the lines that follow we will continue this work …


Tartessos and Andalusia

The Greek poet Hesiod (700 B.C.) was the first to speak of the islands of the blessed. Sertonius, who in 83 B.C. was a Roman praetor in Spain, learned from the mouth of the Romans stationed in Gades that there were blissful islands in the Atlantic Ocean (probably Madeira and the Canary Islands). Some current studies lead us to believe that the present inhabitants of these islands are the descendants of the Atlanteans. We will return to that later.

Researchers have looked into the location of Atlantis and elected certain points of the globe as the exact place. Yet, it is Professor Shulten who after 50 years of research identified the city of Tartessos as an Atlantean city in Spain. This city was located in the province of Andalusia, a region which was always thought to be the most opulent in Spain. In antiquity, it was considered the richest region on Earth. Beatica, a Roman name for Andalusia, is quoted by Pliny, circa the year 100 A.D., as the most fertile of regions. Posidonius said that nowhere else would one find as much wealth of gold, silver, copper and iron. The riches of Tartessos resided in the mineral deposits of the Sierra Morena, which are not yet exhausted these days.

Tursa, the Lydian city where settlers set off to found Tartessos, was the original homeland of the Etruscans; no trace of it has ever been found… Tartessos was a colony of Tyrsians of Etruscan stock. Nowadays, in Andalusia, we find a number of toponyms of Etruscan provenance that come from Lydia. They speak of the Kings of Tarshish In the Old Testament, in Chapter 27 of the book of Ezekiel. Rufus Festus Avenus, a poet and Roman Aristocrat in 400 A.D., said that in the year 100 B.C. Tartessos possessed “the most advanced civilization of the ancient West”. According to Professor Shulten, somewhere in the swamps, near the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, lies the richest city of the European antiquity. Atlantis, according to Plato, extended to Gades.

Culture and knowledge in Tarsis

If Tarsis, or Tartessos, was an Atlantean colony or even one of its most modern cities, one can also imagine that it had to contain many cultural riches. Note what Stabo said about it:

Tarsis contained much wealth and especially texts of laws and texts of prose old of 6000 years.

Tartessos ruled over cities populated by Iberians who were the predecessors of the ancient Phoenicians and Etruscans. Justinius said that Gargoris, the Tartessian king, was the inventor of beekeeping. Avenius cites a people, the Ostimians, who would have had close ties with the Tartessians. They were the greatest sailors of their time. Some inscriptions on objects discovered were in Assyrian and the jewelry style was original for it does correspond to anything known so far. That treasure of 21 jewels, dubbed “the treasure of El Carambolo”, and the famous bust of the Lady of Elche housed at the Prado Museum, raise many controversies as to their origins.

There still would be much to say on Tartessos and about the ongoing research over there, but this is beyond the scope of this article. The goal here is to provide a comprehensive picture out of scattered elements, which, assembled, will allow us to revive Atlantis more than 12,000 years after its sinking. Using myths and legends we can, by deduction and analogy, discover elements that were missing in the giant puzzle that this continent represents.


On the other side of the ocean

After briefly studying Tartessos as an Atlantean colony, we now move to the South American continent. As we have said, the Atlanteans tried to establish relationships based on Exchange and transmission of knowledge with the different peoples living on these lands. Their plan was not as successful as they had wanted but it remained an attempt which still bore fruit when considering the knowledge of these peoples.

When in the 16th century the Spaniards first arrived in South America they were impressed by the metalworking skills of the natives. The Maya, Aztecs and Peruvians had extensive knowledge in metallurgy. They knew how to soak copper, manufacture gold and silver statues and build automata.

atl4_cortez_et_mont__zumaSpanish chroniclers remained speechless before Montezuma’s hanging gardens. And the natives gifted Cortez with platinum mirrors and many other richly carved wonders. Whence did they hold this knowledge? One can also be struck by the similarity between the step pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, Egypt, and other step pyramids in Latin America.

Does not the mythical serpent of the Basques – the Herensuge – make us think of Quetzalcoalt, the plumed serpent of the Aztecs?

So many similarities amongst peoples so far apart impel us to this conclusion: Atlantis was the mother continent that influenced all the peoples, from the Americas to the Urals via the vast African continent, homeland of the Pelasgians or Gian ben Gians. As for Asia, one can see its imprint and also that of what is now called the land of Mu, a continent that once existed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

In the next chapter, we will study the South American civilizations through their myths and legends and, more importantly, we will draw a parallel with the latest scientific discoveries.


Greece, for centuries, was a repository of the primordial Tradition. But at the time when Plato wrote the Timaeus and the Critias the hub was moving to another country. Plato, however, described the degeneration of the Atlantean people with a luxury of details, as if some final precisions were to be transmitted about the lost continent. Indeed, it is thanks to Plato that the name “ATLANTIS” is known to us. But, as we will see, other writings talk about it…



In ancient Greece, many gods and heroes were idolized and worshipped. Amongst them was Hercules (or Herakles) who, through his twelve labours, allows us to follow a legendary story, an Initiatory rite and, hidden under symbols, a geographic truth coupled with a deep mystery anent the myth of the garden of the Hesperides of which he is the hero. We will have the opportunity to treat this topic in another article.

We will not go into details that would somewhat distance us from our subject. Such details, however, would have enlightened us on this Heraklean initiatory quest while allowing us to find it again, clothed with other conditions, in the other northern peoples, and elsewhere. Truth is one, and the Ancients only adapted it to their customs and their way of life. It might be interesting to present to our readers that kind of research that would prove that everything is concomitant and that in the sacred texts, myths and legends that circulate around the world, the same story is told, the same characters are in place, only the scenery is different.


Hercules in the garden of the Hesperides – painting by M. Halbert)
Hercules in the garden of the Hesperides (painting by M. Halbert)

In the long labyrinth of centuries and millennia, humanity has gone through phases of enlightenment and darkness. Based on the archives that still exist in the libraries of the world, we can say that in its protohistory planet Earth had men who knew… This knowledge was the good of all. However, the peoples went through different phases in their evolution, and nothing escapes this rule in the universe. Everything is born, grows and dies. So that nothing is lost, the custodians of knowledge secretly transmitted this millennial heritage to those who had ears to hear. So that no one is deprived of these spiritual and historical treasures, there were the MINOR AND THE GREAT MYSTERIES. Thus with the first, humanity through religions and myths could worship its deities and understand its past. To speak of Greece, this text is certainly not enough. Herakles alone, with his epic and labours, would require long chapters. The episode of Hercules in the garden of the Hesperides, Garden of the Golden Apples, mirrors in many ways the adventure of Jason and the Argonauts. We cannot expand on this subject. In the Heraklean tradition, however, we must highlight the mouth of the Guadalquivir River in the Strait of Gibraltar.



atl3_detroit_de_gibraltarIn recent years, some studies have tried to demonstrate that the region of Tartessos and Seville, in Spain, and the Atlantic coast of Morocco, were Atlantean colonies. In the Bible there is mention of the people of Tarsis as renowned traders in ancient times. Resources contained in the subsoil, after geological analysis, help support the thesis that this region, located near the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar), is rich in fertile alluvia from lands now submerged.

Was it not Diodorus who claimed that there once existed in North Africa a very large lake that the ancients called Lake Tritonis, which disappeared as a result of earthquakes that broke the embankments on the side of the ocean? The ancient Lake that surrounded Tingis would therefore have been Lake Tritonis on the banks of which was erected the temple of Poseidon in a triple enclosure. If we look briefly into the Heraklean symbolism, we find that the labours of the hero began with the ritual task of slaying the Nemean lion.

If one follows the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, or great year of Plato which has 25920 years, about 12,000 years ago we were in the age of Leo, which corresponds to the fall of Atlantis. The lion, the force, the King of the animals was slain. Indeed, Louis Charpentier supports this hypothesis – quite appealing in fact – that associates the Heraklean epic with the age of Cancer. After this follows the age of Gemini in which Louis Charpentier sees the formation of the two pillars of the Strait of Gibraltar.

We will add more to this topic by indicating that the age of Gemini saw a breach in the history of Mankind with the schism of Irshou, which was at the origin of the separation of peoples, the end of the Ramic Empire. It is because of this schism that the confusion of tongues came about- the famous Tower of Babel in the Bible. Therefore, we see that the epic of Hercules contains several levels of interpretation, and his quest for the garden of the Hesperides is his journey to the motherland: Atlantis; but it is also the inner quest, which the Knights of the Round Table called the Grail quest.


Tower of Babel by Brueghel
Tower of Babel by Brueghel

To conclude on the Heracklean epic, we will quote this curious passage from Colonel Braghnine’s scholarly work,” The Shadow of Atlantis”:

The famous picture at Tarragona in Spain…was found during the last century on the walls of a very ancient mausoleum, and was studied by the archeologist Buenaventura Hernandez. It represents the zodiacal constellation of Cancer at the moment of the summer solstice, and under the sign of Cancer, the king Hercules. By a powerful movement of his arms Hercules separates the rocks of the isthmus: near the European rock Calpe are depicted a cock and a rabbit, which are characteristic for Spain, and near the opposite rock Abila, the figures of the ibis and the scorpion, typical of Morocco.

How did the painter have that insight that the opening of the isthmus occurred in the age of Cancer? Now, let us leave Hercules to find other protagonists in Greek mythology. In that tradition, they speak of two deluges, one of Ogyges, the most ancient one (about which Plutarch wrote 14 volumes), and one of Deucalion, son of Prometheus. It is about this last that we will now speak.


Deucalion, son of Prometheus

It is by evoking the straight of the Dardanelles that one can find traces of this deluge in Greece. For these geophysical events, two names come to mind: Deucalion, son of Prometheus, and Horoneus, King of the Gian Ben Gians, who was reputed to be the forefather of Mankind. Seeing that some serious events were about to occur, Prometheus told his son to build a large Ark and settle therein.

atl3_arca_noeThis parallelism between the story of the flood in Mesopotamia with Utnapishtim and that of Deucalion in Greece is quite striking. Besides, did not Deucalion land on Mount Parnassus? It was Zeus himself who greeted him, and from there, a new humanity started. We could, in the light of Greek mythology, still consider many points related to the flood, with the rise of some nations. But we must always remain watchful because traditions from around the world speak of several floods, and some even after the one that sank Atlantis. The priests of antiquity had always known that there was a great flood on earth at the inception of mankind, but that is another story.

In the next article, we will return to these vast lands that were once located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. To do this, we will have to consider other legends, other myths, less known than those that have been presented in these pages.